yes ddzx it looks like with your world view it is essential for...

  1. RM
    7,446 Posts.
    yes ddzx it looks like with your world view it is essential for unconditional love as the evil that is interwoven in your universe must have a mechanism for acceptance.

    There is no such acceptance of evil in christianity, it is separate and will be defeated by the judgement seat. There will never be any compromise over this by the Holy God.

    ddzx God abhors and will judge evil, it will be destroyed yet even though you have already identified corruptions such as evil and lust that are truly present in this world. You still are forced to weave them into your world view. They underpin essential components of your truth statements.

    Christianity has no such relationship with evil, there is no embrace or acceptance. Your truth statements must make you think very carefully of your source, ontic reference one may say.

    I know you have made claims of revenge as a motive but revenge is a secondary action. Revenge is a pay back.

    What do you think is being paid back as you put it? What and who is being paid back in your world view. We both know the true answer but will you admit it not to me but to yourself???

    Lets take a little risk and play on some very thin and cracking ice, lets look at your oneness world view and say that judgement does occur. Why would you still bristle at it?
    This is very disturbing question that needs thought ddzx, since the pay back is judgement and elimination of evil. Surely if this was ripped out of the oneness of your world view how would that be negative.
    Unless ddzx this evil is too interwoven in your world view the fabric or basis of your truth claims that you have already made. Is that why in your world view one sees revenge while the Christian sees justice.

    Think clearly about this a little while ago I asked you about is it absolutely wrong to murder an innocent child, slit the throat of a baby girl.

    You claimed it was, think very carefully about your "sky daddy comment" plus the implications of your revenge motive, and basis of belief in denuded and twisted concepts such as lust as primary drivers.

    I did not mean harm when questioning you and you felt like an intrusion. But it may be good that you felt threatened when I inquired a question concerning more about your soul than rote truth claims. I see that disturbed you got you angry and defensive.

    If a simple question about love felt so intrusive there is still conflict that resides and you protected that strongly. but remember my friend time is not infinite incoherence brings emotions and desires out that need to be defended.

    We are slowly working our way through your truth claims we are slowly comming to see the underlying principle and force, driving this world view.

    Do you still believe is absolute wrongs such as murdering an innocent baby??? ddzx do you still hold that true as you stated weeks earlier. Even with all these subsequent truth claims you have made.

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