"Disappointed to hear that there are paid rampers on her re:...

  1. 22,683 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 84
    "Disappointed to hear that there are paid rampers on her re: WFE...they should be outed IMO. It is hard enough competing with algos and now this..shame on you "

    Most likely the case on every stock, and on every forum, on HC.

    I'm sure a lot of past members were in a "stock", for more than just their

    own trading pleasure.

    At the moment though, all just an assumption, as Madmin said, nobody has

    been identified as a 'paid poster', (WFE), as yet.

    Be they paid posters, rampers, Disallowed salesmen, boiler room posters,

    down rampers or just plain negative on everything/every stock here,

    the secret is to not ACT/REACT, impulsively, on anything you hear from these people.

    The 'ole DYOR rules applies, to EVERY poster, every post.

    Also a 'heart' in front of their nic, doesn't make them a smarter trader,

    better trader, nor any more honest or reliable, than somebody without one.

    Traders here need to be more 'scareful', when non regular posters

    make cameo appearances, offering gifts of "gold-frankincense-myrrh".

    People need to be careful of listening to, encouraging, overly zealous posters.

    They're generally "set", with the cursor hovering over the sell button,

    just waiting for the next wave of suckers to come in, so that they can

    offload their shares to them.
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