The real thing is that learning to trade takes a lot of time -...

  1. 12,299 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 401
    The real thing is that learning to trade takes a lot of time - when everyone is calling something it is usually breaking out and therefore at the top - so there is no such thing as a 'tip' really -- get that new traders - if you but something that has risen today - likely it will pullback -rarely does anything keep rising without Pausing ----
    We have all spent time learning Wykoff studying structure - candlesticks -and have watched the screens to the point of needing a stand up desk - it is not something we just got overnight - thousands of hours of figuring this crap out is more like it -
    AND the biggest problem is trading with the cheap stuff takes a lot more knowledge of charts - and the dance that the speck stocks do - which brokers are loading up - CR placements how many shares on issue who the management are BLAH BLAH BLAH -
    the list is endless - but in reality we are trading the speck end of the market here - we trade reversals as well -
    Some of the good traders only trade stuff that is being dumped - that is another skill -the knife catch - once upon a time we had some great traders/ chartists that talked us through those trades with lessons on how to do it on a chart - imagine that there have been peeps that were that good - there have always been fundamentalists that have dropped in and argued too - but really
    IMHO daytrading is chart based - yea everyone likes to argue about that - good luck -
    No one should be attacked personally or be held responsible for any call - in fact the person in charge of the buy and sell button is you - take responsibility -
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