a read for the amoralists , page-3

  1. 3,439 Posts.
    Jones' favourite topic - the Left who are to blame.

    I guess I'm not of the Left then because I assumed that something of WMDs would be found. I was proved wrong. I opposed the INVASION because it was unnecessary and illegal as well as destabilising on a global scale and a fore-runner rehearsal of a future US empire maintained by strength of arms and threat of attack.

    Iraq certainly did not need Saddam. The US had their chance to remove him earlier but decided deliberately to keep him there, to stop fundamentalists taking over or some such reason.

    Now Iraq is in chaos, the US is PROVEN to be run by liars, there is no rule of law and undoubtedly, more people are dying in Iraq daily than before Saddam was chased off into the hills.

    Now some twisting spindoctoring slag is trying to say that the Left was in support of Saddam, just because the Left opposed the violent invasion, justified falsely, of Iraq to do it.

    The whole thing was not about freeing the Iraqis, nor are they free.

    The whole concept of global adventurism by the US, conceived by ex-commies, should be anathema to the true Right. And it is.

    Even if the Iraqis had not had their country sacked, their resources taken over and their future determined by the US for a bloody long time, it would still not be legal, it would still not be moral and it would still not be in the interests of Iraqis. Albert Langer can take one angle in isolation and justify the removal of the tyrant, but nobody is taking issue with that. I suspect Langer rejoices in the damage done to US reputation because he is no friend of the US.
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