dual citizenship, page-16

  1. 1,853 Posts.
    Off where to.

    Multiculturism a term invented by Al Grasby because Whitlas Whitlam agreed to the Arabs to open our doors to them for those loans; is the curse of the labour party.

    A PHD study by an ex Detective into the violence from mid eastern youth, has highlighted that the Labour party bought in 15,000 lebanese from this particular group in Lebabnon which even the lebanese were fearful off, just to shore up votes in western Sydney. This group is behind all the shootings, rapings, thuggery type mafiosi type drug dealing type behaviour we have been hearing on the news for the past decade. Thanks Labour Party.

    Now who out there has any backbone to clean this mess up? round up these Leb delinquints (some of them on the news tonight marching for Moslem Leb - why don't they just go back????).

    This country has got a terminal illness - it's worse than cancer - but it's like a cancer. And it comes in the form of Moslem immigrants who march in the street inciting hatred for the Jews and the US and the West.
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