Dubbing people Anti-Vaxxer? A great article to read!, page-68

  1. 88,310 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    I don't think we should knock people who choose not to take the vaccine

    as long as our health services can handle the load -------- that's my only concern

    for the rest of it ---------- for us who are vaccinated - it's all a win if many choose not to be vaccinated

    easier to get a seat in a restaurant - the other mob are either too sick to come out or banned from entry - with the odd few dead -- rip

    they won't take up seats on planes - because no one in the world is going to let them into their country if they think there's a chance they'll get Covid and end up in their hospital --

    more plane seats available

    aside from stepping over their prone bodies on the footpath as they are struggling to breathe - I see no downsides for us vaccinated at all

    you go girls ------------------ don't get that vaccine

    it's your right

    we can even do a T shirt line for you with the writing on the front


    on the back

    'I did it my way'

    we can even put that on your wheelchair - a little sign.

    Or perhaps stickers for your little Oxygen bottle on it's little stand when you go out with long covid as a companion
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