duck hunting and insensitve idiotic posts

  1. 22 Posts.
    I find it incredible and sicking how many insensitive people there are on this forum that write negative posts re duck hunting protesters. .

    As far as I and any decent minded person would think you are nothing but a bunch of money grabbing "Your God is money" seeking pointless selfish humans.

    Have you stopped to think for one second that these "Greenie activists" have absolutely nothing to gain personally except to protect innocent birds from pain and suffering from trigger cowardly hungry weak men who can only feel powerful with a gun in their hands and teach their children the "wisdom of killing innocence"

    How many of you would spend your time and money to protect innocence. To travel to these wetlands and spend weeks saving life- instead you mostly sit at your desks salivating at any profits you make and being worried sick when things go south. My God, so many of you live by the creed "Greed is good - for ALL THE WRONG REASONS.

    For Gods sake open your eyes and see what destruction you cause. Teach your children that killing ducks is WRONG. Killing any animal is wrong especially for "sport".

    Care about the simple and most important things in life- to protect planet earth and ALL creatures that live on it.

    On a final point as you all know Steve Irwin would be sickened at duck hunting and would live happily in a tent for a week to protect these beautiful birds and his net worth was in the multimillions. What matters is that I live to give most of my earnings to various environmental and animal welfare organisations because-------------


    After reading your sicking posts I will be doing what I have wanted to do for a long time- giving up full time Share trading to spend more time protecting animals from a lot of humans like some of yourselves.

    As for the fellow who threatened a broken nose I am a 110 KG vegetarian- maybe you would like to give me one. You are nothing but hypocritical cowards .Put your bloody guns down and teach your children to respect animals. You are are supposed to be civilised humans !!.

    Day Share trading is intrinsically wrong Even though most of you will not admit it is all about trickery and manipulation as is very obvious

    A Civilsed socity is recognised by the way it treats its animals
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