Of course our dyed in the wool suburbanites who have never had...

  1. 29,781 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    Of course our dyed in the wool suburbanites who have never had to do more than poke a hole in the cling wrap of their grass fed eye fillet steak or packet of Chicken Necks will suggest that hunting any animals to eat is bad.

    They will also find it repulsive for individuals to hunt Feral Pests because it should only be the responsibility of professionals, employed by government as they will follow best practices in relation to the most humane way possible to culling the vermin.

    They have no practical knowledge but the woman/bloke on the Telly was very clear that the general public shouldn’t be allowed to take advantage.

    They really are the quintessential non thinking people.

    Banning duck hunting was always going to happen, it’s an easy target and just another opportunity to nibble away at personal freedoms.

    I don’t see it as being an opportunity to Save the Ducks so much as another opportunity to reduce the number of people who hold a gun licence.

    If they can reduce the opportunities to hunt then there will be less people who will be bothered to own firearms and this is the main point of the exercise.

    The loss of a potential food source for those who are willing and get enjoyment out of hunting properly is probably just a bonus to the politicians.
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