duck shooting, page-29

  1. 7,404 Posts.
    good for you bunbun
    it is often not good enough for someone to consider "would i like it if someone did that to me?), to prevent them doing something that has an immoral bent.
    what really needs to be considered is the possibility that sometime in the future, you may actually be in that same situation.
    this cuts the mustard better imo, since we all are selfish in one way or another and often driven by deep-rooted fears.
    where is the guarantee that in the next life (considered as a possibility) you will be born as a human or cease to exist?

    polski, nice to know that it wasn't just for a "stir"

    and RKG
    "lol..since when has hell been proven as real"
    of course it could be argued that nothing is real, but it is real enough to many living on this planet.
    i have known some people whose past caught up with them and they ended their current life.
    every little thing that we think and do contributes to our future state - how exactly it does, is often, for the better part, beyond us.
    so it is better to err on the side of caution

    it is much easier to continually create benificial initial conditions before the results become (although bounded) chaotic (unpredictable).
    i have good evidence to suggest that i may have being involved in some quite unpleasent deeds in a previous life and i have experienced on several occasions something that would have caused many others to seriouly lose it.
    i have noticed that as i persue more wholesome practices and thoughts that there is real enough benefit
    i'm a bit of a fighter, and if you really want to get involved in hunting, catching and killing things then it is better to direct such interests in an appropriate and benificial direction:
    the mind is so often like a seriously annoyed and angry black bear with super sharp claws and teeth
    a lot of the unwholsome actions that we do, is because we ourselves are caught in a snare.
    the thing is that it is not a permanat snare, and even though every now and then the trapper tempts us with this or that or puts the whip across our back, we still have the ability to escape
    if we can see that it is possible, then it is entirely up to us.
    this is the privledged benefit of being a human - to take it for granted is asking for trouble.
    and as one deliberatley uses this privledged position to create the causes for ignorance and misery (unwholesome habits in deed and thought) then the suffering of a duck that has being shot, has the potential to pale in comparison to such consequences.

    a comment earier in this thread about not imposing your will on others is nonsense.
    you meet someone that says they are going to beat your child up, so what do you do? you stand by and watch them do it, because you dont want to impose your will upon someone elses actions?
    we are constantly imposing upon others, even handing over some money to a shop teller is a form of imposing.

    but yes rabbitoh, you are free (for a while) to do whatever you are able.
    hope you make some good choices. (seriously)
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