Dumb and dumber, page-67

  1. 306 Posts.
    Another myoptic response. Yes, I will never rubbish an ENTIRE group for the actions of a few - but then again I do rubbish all LNP because of the corruption( Turnbull $18 mill; Brandis $18 mill; B.Bishop; Abbott scholarships, rorts, donations etc; developer money; protection of pedophiles; tax breaks to the rich etc) of the many, but not the entire whole!

    You remind me of the old vinyl records that were worn and tired so badly that they became stuck on the same phrase so that the rest of the album could not be heard. That is very limiting, as is your stuck response because it limits your mind from grasping all the good unions have done and ARE continuing to do at this very minute.
    It this why Abbott had to keep repeating himself had to keep repeating himself as he spoke so slowly so slowly for limited people such as yourself?

    But I suppose the following is the type of society you wish Australia to become?: "Recently, the head of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Greg Medcraft, called Australia a “paradise” for white-collar criminals. Soon after he recanted, claiming he didn’t want the country to become a haven for financial fraudsters. This rephrasing likely followed when Finance Minister Mathias Cormann leaned on Medcraft.
    The mass media has done an admirable job bringing the CBA financial planner scandal to light, forcing ASIC to finally investigate, the Senate to inquire and the CBA to apologise and provide compensation. Despite this, frauds like these are universally downplayed as isolated events, perpetrated by “bad apples” in an otherwise trustworthy FIRE (finance, insurance and real estate) sector.

    Australia’s economic history shows otherwise. Our past is littered with a surprisingly large number of control frauds, which government and regulators have done next to nothing to prevent and rarely prosecute. The mounting frauds appear emboldened by deregulation and liberalisation of banking and finance." http://theconversation.com/do-the-crime-do-the-time-not-if-youre-a-banker-in-australia-33548
    The following table provides an overview of the major frauds committed by the FIRE sector in recent decades.

    You inconsistency when it comes to corruption reflects an inconsistent moral value set - how can anyone trust what YOU have to say, as a result?
    PS - Can you old timers type more than 1 0r 2 lines before rheumatism sets in? It is now obvious why Abbott was so fond of glib slogans - his followers could not balance thoughts for longer than a hand full of words!
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