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dumping and ramping is alive and well

  1. 7,761 Posts.
    with Molpoo scaries....

    These are the words from Mr. Lincoln Augustus, who as you may be aware, has contributed some very thoughtful and meaningful posts on the Molopo threads on Hot Copper over the months when he was allowed to post.

    I now relay the information he has sent me for those who follow his posts with interest, and for those who don't, I suggest you cover your eyes... or hit the 'Back' button:

    This is Mr Lincoln Augustus, first second cousin of Holymagiman

    Hello everybody. I have to first tell you that the Holymagiman has telephoned me with the news that he is speeding along to Vancouver. Apparently the sea waves are getting very big and the winds are getting extremely strong and he is very happy that he has not got to row the boat anymore. He has put the boat on auto-row and is just spending the time smoking the Jamaica Numba Ones and thinking about the good times he had writing on the Molpoo site.

    He thought that that was a very nice time, but that is behind him now, and he is looking forward to adding a Law Degree from Vancouver to his other degrees. Incidentally, I would like to modestly point out to you good people that I have got my MBA from the most esteemed Ankara University in Cyprus, so that is why I have MBA (Ankara) behind my name, just in case you have not noticed.

    Holymagiman has been reading the newspapers in his boat and has been following the Molpoo postings with some interest. He has noticed with some sadness that there appears to be some ramping going on in this site. Being old in the game, and having been burnt many times before, he is quite sad that such events appear to be happening. Perhaps he is mistaken………

    But it is a fact that there are a lot of younger players in the share market now. These are players who have only experienced the good times and have yet to see the bad times….until now.

    As Holymagiman sat there alone in the boat, enjoying his Number One (Platinum Blend, Triple Crown Extra Virgin), he couldn't help but reflect on the fear and panic that a lot of players would have experienced in this rout.

    Fear and panic, up to the eyeballs, opposite to the greed and expectations of a few weeks ago.

    All this is natural in the share market, and it is also natural in life. Life is for living, for enjoying, for hoping and for occasionally being very afraid. And that is when one's true friends come along with help and support. "Friends," said the Holymagiman, "not acquaintances, who are a dime a dozen and not worth a penny more."

    But then is when the carpetbaggers come along also, with the intention of manipulating the environment and profiting from misery.

    Holymagiman has noticed a few posters who have publically announced that they have sold out of Molpoo and other shares. Good for them, there is nothing wrong morally or financially in making a right call and making money. Bravo to them all, says the Holymagiman.

    But when they say it a few times that they have sold, and they have always appeared to be solid supporters of Molpoo, then the first seeds of doubt are sown in the minds of the waverers who are still holding. They start to think "Should I sell, is Molpoo bad? Etc etc"

    And thus we get a situation of poor folk selling off Molpoo at 14 cts and 13 cts and 12 cts and 11 cents, because some of the most fervent supporters of Molpoo have fled the ship!!

    And then….. and then, these very same ex-supporters who fled the ship come back in and tell everyone how clever they are in buying back a cartful or more of the Molpoo for so much cheaper than the price they sold it for. That is very good, for there is no moral or financial wrongdoing in buying back the shares that you sold expensively at a cheaper price. But why tell everyone….perchance to get the hopeful Harry's in again after you have bought your stake???. Good thinking, good idea but not something that the Holymagiman condones. He has been through all this before, has seen it all happen before, and as I said, Holymagiman cannot and will not condone it.

    But who is Holymagiman to comment, as he is guilty of multinicking, and that, sirs, is something he found to be very great fun and a hoot. IT WAS A SCREAM. Sure broke up the intensity and passion that was running so high in those days, and Holymagiman truly enjoyed the picture of the 4 brothers smoking the Numba 1 that some kind soul posted then. And Holymagiman had hoped that you all would all understand that life is for laughs, for giggles and fun when we can, because he has been through life and on reflection, he has regretted the times that he did not laugh when he could have.

    But multinicking is bad, and if so it was a grevious fault, and greviously has Holymagiman answered it. Here , without leave of ********* and the rest, for ********* is an honourable man, so are they all, all honourable men, comes Holymagiman, to speak on the Molpoo site.

    Anyway, getting back to what Holymagiman was telling me in his letter. He has noticed that in the Molpoo postings of 19th August, some regular posters have expressed great anguish that the Fed has cut interest rates, and that they will not be able to make money on Monday by buying back the shares that they had sold on Friday . ?????

    But they had been telling everyone that they had been buying. ???? so how come they sold???

    Holymagiman is very confused by all this, and it is not the Numba 1 talking. He has asked me, Mr Lincoln Augustus, to tell the Molpoo site people that it is to their own best advantage to make their own assessments on a share and not be guided by what the "true believers" post, especially when they post at one moment that they think a share is the greatest thing since sliced bread, then post that the sky has fallen and they have sold COMPLETELY, then post that they have bought in again because it is really great, then post that they are mighty upset that the Fed has cut interest rates and Molpoo is going up and they have unfortunately sold.

    Holymagiman feels that dumping and ramping is very much alive and well in this Molpoo site.

    If you think a share is bad, or if your situation so demands, then sell. If you think a share is good and your situation permits it, then buy. But in this unsure market, in this maelstrom that sweeps this world, Holymagiman hopes that you are not twisted and turned in your mind to utter confusion by those who hope to profit.

    And yes, the 25 cent share placement is fait accompli, so don't worry your poor little heads about that. Molpoo will have a guaranteed $33 million dollars from this placement and also has the money from the exercise of the options in June 2007. In other words, Molpoo is a very cashed up company and will not need to go to the market for more money for a long time.

    And speaking of profit, Holymagiman has a fine shipment of Jamaica Numba 4 that was rejected by those indulgent Englishmen who frequent Jamaica. They have apparently all jumped on a plane and gone back to England. Something to do with avoiding a fellow called James Dean who is coming in double quick time to Jamaica.

    Mr Lincoln Augustus PhD Phil, MBA (Ankara)

    end copied email


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