dutch liberalism stares into troubled future, page-20

  1. 9,509 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 661
    Belmore I understand what you are saying and agree with you.
    Its interesting to note that the major of Amsterdam, being jewish, was not on a particular friend of van Gogh as the jewish people also had quite some dirt trown at them.
    But he made a statement that even they where not friends , in Dutch society we can disagree with each other and fight it out using words , but not kill eachother because we disagree.

    I grew up in a society where we had respect for eachother irrespectable of race, gender or sexual preferences and religeon and as many dutch people find todays events rather disturbing.

    But I am also an optimist and feel that the human spirit ultimatly again wil prefail.

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