Dutto on track to introduce cheaper energy by nuclear power., page-93

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    Now that the climate scam and lies are being progressively destroyed and consequently, after coal has been eradicated from the energy grid by the stupidity of politicians, nuclear will be the only base load power answer to combat the serious risks of trying to depend on renewables.rolleyes.png

    Comments by Dr Dick Reaney PGCAS(Cant),BDS(Otago), D.Orth.RCS(London), MRACDS(Aust), FICD. He has studied Climate and Paleoclimatologyfor 40 years with numerous expeditions to the Antarctic, the North Pole, andthe Himalayas.

    He was awarded a Visiting Scholarship toScott Polar Research Institute in 2005 by Cambridge University.

    Climate Change is normal and natural andhas gone on for millions of years without any help from the human race. Thescaremongering now going on by the media, politicians, and climate alarmists,is so utterly misguided to be nothing but tragic. That we have an End of theWorld scenario is even more ridiculous. It is a regress back to the past andhas the stamp of Dark Age soothsayers and witchcraft

    The rhetoric is at such bizarre levelsthat the greenwashing by the media and government is truly taking us down theroad of reduced living standards, if not to a disaster for the country, theeconomy, and the farming community whom we rely on so much. What is beingpainted by Labour, National, and the Greens is totally without common sense orscientific reasoning. It is all based on a false premise of pseudo-sciencewhich is totally without foundation. The fact that they have signed in for theNett Zero Carbon legislation is a blind man’s approach to persuasion. The ACTParty have not done this and are the only ones who have looked at the scienceand realised it cannot be achieved. What’s more it’s extremely important thatit does not happen. We need carbon dioxide to live and survive and every plantin the botanical kingdom needs it for photosynthesis. A process that leads tothe release of oxygen into the atmosphere, which is life sustaining for animalsand humans.

    The tragedy is that Labour, National, and the Greens have all fully bought intoit.

    Remember NO climate scientist has given any guarantee to any government, thatcurbing Greenhouse Gas Emissions will work!!! Introducing climate emission’slegislation to reduce carbon dioxide and methane to bring down globaltemperature, stop severe weather events, change the climate are all foolhardymeasures that will achieve absolutely nothing.

    The climate scientists do not know all the answers, and hence will not give anyguarantee.

    Although they say the science is settled! In fact, the science is neversettled, scientific knowledge is doubling every seven years and is impossiblefor it to ever be settled.

    But they still claim we must stop warming to 1.5ºC or we will burn up and theend of the world will be nigh. It is quite naïve; in fact it is quite arrogantto think mankind can control climate. The gigantic forces of nature are vastand nowhere near understood and way beyond our control.

    The scientists say they are sure of their science. If this were true then whynot give an assurance to the government? This seems quite reasonable asgovernments around the World are in for; not Millions but Trillions of dollarsas they follow the scientists’ recommendations. Naturally they want to knowthat the measures they take will work.

    The current government is committing the biggest mistake of its existence andgreater than any previous government, in terms of cost, devastation of theeconomy, hardship, loss of rights and democracy, crippling the farming community,and a sure way of making the poor even poorer.

    So - Let’s get some facts on the table:

    - There is NO Climate Emergency – There never has been, there isn’t one now,and it’s highly unlikely that there will ever be one in the future. The climatewill go on changing without the slightest regard for mankind.

    - Making a target of Zero Carbon is utterly ridiculous. In fact it defiescommon scientific sense. We desperately need Carbon Dioxide; it is the gas thatsupports all life on this Planet. Every single plant in the Botanical Kingdomrequires carbon dioxide to undertake photosynthesis to survive. It is vitalplant food. Without carbon dioxide we would not exist. It shows how little ourpoliticians know about the chemistry of metabolism.

    - Levels of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere are ”dangerously low” at around400 parts per million. If levels drop to below 200 parts per million, plantswill not grow and many will die out. Only once in the last 650 million yearshave they been as low as they are now.

    - The basic hypothesis, claimed by the climate alarmists that “rising CO2levels in the atmosphere will cause Global warming” is utterly flawed.Scientifically there is absolutely no empirical connection that this is thecase. It is a flawed hypothesis that the scientists are desperate to prove, andin doing so tolerate no alternative view. In fact, they are vociferous indenouncing any criticism. Instead of debating the issue, as a respectedscientist would, they go over the top to kill any contrary proposal. This isbizarre. If they were right, why would you not let the science speak foritself. They can’t and they know it.

    - Back in the 19th century levels of CO2 were low, around 280 ppm andvegetation on the fringes of survival were retreating and dying. Witnessed bythe expansion of the Sahara, the Kalahari, and Atacama deserts.

    - Carbon dioxide is a very weak green house gas and is almost completelysaturated after the first 80ppm in the atmosphere, so its radiative potency islost and cannot retain any further heat. This means it is an ineffectual GHG,no matter how much more carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere, it makes noimpact on raising temperature. Any further heat is NOT trapped but lost tospace, and indeed is lost to space all the time.

    - There is no problem with Global warming. It stopped in 1998. The last fewyears of Global cooling have erased nearly 23 years off a projected temperatureincrease

    - The hypothesis that human activity can create global warming is extraordinarybecause it is contrary to validated knowledge from Solar Physics, Astronomy,History, Archaeology and Geology.

    - The claim that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have dramaticallyincreased from human activity from fossil fuels and land, is false. Natural CarbonDioxide emissions account for 97% of all carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.Mankind just 3%.

    - There has been ice on Earth for less than 20% of time. Over most of ourhistory World temperatures were around 20 - 22ºC. Today, they are 12-14ºC. Whenthe temperatures were 20-22C the dinosaurs existed and were cold blooded. Why?Because at those temperatures metabolism occurred without needing to be warmblooded.

    - From 1975 the cooling period came to an end and temperatures began to riseagain, until 1998. For the last 23 years global temperatures have plateaued. Ohyes they have.!!

    -The recent claim by Melissa Fleming (the U.N. Secretary for GlobalCommunications) on climate change, “That We Own The Science” is about as stupidas you can get. NO-ONE ‘owns’ the science and her refusal to accept any viewcontrary to the IPCC, is not a scientific approach. In science you debatefindings and you question, question, question, that is how science is done. Youdo NOT trust the science. (Even Charlie Brown knows that). Flemings move tosuppress any climate view that deviates from the U.N. position is anauthoritarian desire that they really want to control us!!!!

    - We are currently in an ice age that began around 39 million years ago. Thecurrent interglacial began 15,000 years ago and peaked between 8,000 – 4,000years before present. Or 6,000 – 2,000 years BC. Known as the Holocene Optimum.We are now towards the end of our Interglacial so we can expect much greatervolatility and extremes of weather patterns in the future. Why? History tellsus so.

    - Carbon Dioxide emissions increased during the second world war and for thefollowing 20 years, yet the world was in a period of cooling. By the 1960shuman emissions of CO2 did begin to drop as nations encouraged theirpopulations to switch from coal to electricity to eliminate the famous ‘smogs’that occurred over many European cities. But the cooling period lasted until1975, with 1963 (after much debate) being the coldest year of the 20th century.It certainly was the coldest year in Great Britain;-

    (Weather Scientist Sam Jones reports - It was 1963 that had the distinction ofbeing the coldest year for more than 200 years – cold enough, in fact inwinter, for the sea to freeze in places. Blizzards buried parts of Wales andsouth-west England in snow drifts 6 metres deep, blocked roads and railways andturned villages into isolated islands. Animals died in their fields becausefarmers could not reach them through the snow. In mid-January, the temperaturein Scotland, plunged to -22.2ᵒC.)

    - Carbon Dioxide is a tasteless, odourless, colourless gas – YOU can’t see it!!So all those smoke stakes the media love showing us of steam pouring out,claiming pollution, global warming and any nasty thing they can think of; areliterally deceiving us with a gross falsehood. (To the media; learn somescience before you print the next smoking chimney.)

    - In the past Carbon Dioxide levels have ranged from 4,000ppm to 7,000ppm, evenin the middle of an ice age. There was no planetary burn out, there was noclimate emergency, but plants did grow and the forests thrived on the rich foodsupply of Carbon Dioxide. By contrast, today’s doomsayers claim the 0.04%carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is a pollutant and the catastrophe it iscausing, by excessive global warming is just ahead of us.

    - Neither carbon dioxide nor methane are important greenhouse gases. In fact,they are such minor gases; in the atmosphere they are deemed to be at trace gaslevel. Carbon Dioxide is 0.04% and methane 0.0017% of the atmosphere. Thebiggest and by far the most powerful greenhouse gas is water vapour. This isvery conveniently forgotten and discarded by the media. The climate ‘alarmists’choose not to mention it.

    - Carbon dioxide is continually being removed from the atmosphere by the Oceansand Vegetation. The Oceans are the biggest sump for carbon dioxide. GrowingTrees help, but well-watered and fertilized grass is one of the bestterrestrial means for uptake of Carbon Dioxide. What is not well known is thatmodern grasses have adapted to change and store 91% of their carbon dioxide inthe ground!! There is of course a definitive number of carbon atoms in grasseaten by sheep, cattle and deer etc which are transformed into the growinganimal by way of bones, liquid, meat, skin and other internal organs. Hence thesequestered carbon into beef saves the planet.!!!!

    - Volcanic eruptions are another source of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Theamount of carbon dioxide (among other things) spewed out by a volcano can beastronomical. It depends on the size of the volcanic eruption and the length oftime it erupts. Mt Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted for over a year and putout more carbon dioxide than mankind has, in his entire existence on Earth. Therecent Tongan eruption (Jan 14th 2022) is still going on and giving us thosecolourful sunrise afterglows. So far the carbon dioxide emissions aresignificant. In ten months a billion tons of carbon dioxide have been emitted.New Zealand puts up around 34 million tons of carbon dioxide each year. Ofthis, 33 million is by natural processes and 1 million is from human (andlivestock) emissions. This means it would take 5 million people a thousandyears to match what the Tongan volcano has emitted in ten months. Can mankindreally control the Climate??

    - How ludicrous is it, for the government to curb emissions, to the extent ofdestabilising our economy, crippling our farmers, drastically reducing ourstandard of living, increasing inflation way beyond anyone’s reach, and makingthe poor even poorer. The question must be asked. Why? When one volcano cancome along and blow it all away?

    - Green Activists are the left field in our society. They preach clean greenliving. It is anything but. Demanding we should give up our petrol cars forEV’s. That carbon dioxide is a pollutant and we must stop it. They have allthese high minded ideas of Climate Activism which will cost millions ofdollars, probably billions, but they don’t want to pay for them. So, they wantto tax the so called ‘rich’ with excess profit taxes, wealth taxes, highpersonal tax to fund their dead end programmes. But the true irony of the greenlobby is that while they want you to follow their advice, they don’t see thesame rules applying to them. They jet off around the World in fossil fuelaircraft burning millions of litres to just go to a meeting – the titlehypocrite has a new meaning. Climate Activism really has nothing to do withClimate or the environment – its implementation will kill people.

    - The world’s climate is controlled by the gigantic forces of nature. They areGlobal, The Sun, The Solar System, (The Planets) and forces beyond our SolarSystem; Cosmic Rays. All of these forces are constantly changing. None arestatic, not even the Sun. Hence the constant changing of climate which resultsin the world’s changing weather patterns. Let’s be clear here. Greenhouse Gasesdo NOT cause extreme weather. There is no scientific connection to justify sucha claim. What’s happening today with the weather has all happened before – Lookat Past; the history books are full of disasters and extreme weather events.They are nothing new. The difference today is the world’s population; is now 8billion people. So any extreme weather will have greater impact, particularlyin low lying areas or coastal regions. Floods, Hurricanes, Loss of Life,Cyclones, Tornadoes, Wind and Rain Cyclones, Fire, and Snow Storms, Loss ofVegetation leading to starvation and death. etc, are all events we must learnto live with. If we don’t learn to adapt then history has shown, species becomeextinct!

    - Professor Endersbee, a former dean of engineering and pro-vice chancellor atMonash University claims it is highly probable that increased electromagneticradiation of the Sun is responsible for any global warming, not GHG’s.

    - So far, the IPCC has been wrong on all its projections of climate!!

    1. No 50 million climate refugees by 2010, as they forecast in 2005. Zero infact.

    2. No increase in rate of sea level rise.

    3 Artic ice is still there, and not melting away.

    4 Antarctic ice is growing to the tune of 45 billion tons per year. (EuropeanSatellite)

    5 Extreme weather events, world-wide are NOT increasing.

    6 Forest fires, world-wide are NOT increasing

    7 Yes – the planet has been slowly warming, (in fits and starts) as its only172 years since we came out of the Little Ice Age in 1850. (That rise has beenjust 0.8°C).

    8 Hurricanes are NOT increasing.

    - Sea levels are essentially unchanged. See caption below for 99 years, at PalmBeach.

    - They say with climate if you want toknow the future look at the past. So, let’s look at the past. In the early1400’s at the beginning of the Little Ice Age there were several great NorthSea Storms. On August 9th 1413 a great southerly storm at extreme low tideburied the town of FORVIE, near Aberdeen in north-eastern Scotland under a thirty-metresand dune. So great was the flooding that more than 100,000 people are said tohave died in the storm. This is similar to the Dutch storm of 1362 – The “GroteMandrenke”. If this had happened today, we know where the blame would beplaced. Any rational thinking person today realises that back then Greenhousegases had nothing to do with it. THE SAME APPLIES TODAY. Nothing has changed, aNorth Sea Storm of the same proportions could occur again today.

    - Scientific knowledge is determined by the scientificmethod, through which theoretical predictions are validated or rejected byobservations. If the theoretical predictions do not work, the theory isrejected. That’s real science. Scientific knowledge is not determined bygovernment-controlled opinions, consensus, peer review, or theoretical modelsimulations that do not work. Those are false science. This brief applies thescientific method to the government’s Climate Change Commission document andthe technical document for the Reduction of Emissions. Both arescientifically corrupted and thus must be thrown out.

    It is of the utmost lunacy for any movetowards Nett Zero Carbon to continue. If the politicians continue to enforceit, there will certainly be an ‘end’ of the World scenario, as we know it. Thetotal irony will be that Climate Change had nothing to do with it. Justour stupidity.!

    1. https://hotcopper.com.au/data/attachments/6345/6345186-ad6e8aa8cc57336dd11e2c63223de622.jpg


      Comments by Dr Dick Reaney PGCAS(Cant),BDS(Otago), D.Orth.RCS(London), MRACDS(Aust), FICD. He has studied Climate and Paleoclimatologyfor 40 years with numerous expeditions to the Antarctic, the North Pole, andthe Himalayas.

      He was awarded a Visiting Scholarship toScott Polar Research Institute in 2005 by Cambridge University.

      Climate Change is normal and natural andhas gone on for millions of years without any help from the human race. Thescaremongering now going on by the media, politicians, and climate alarmists,is so utterly misguided to be nothing but tragic. That we have an End of theWorld scenario is even more ridiculous. It is a regress back to the past andhas the stamp of Dark Age soothsayers and witchcraft

      The rhetoric is at such bizarre levelsthat the greenwashing by the media and government is truly taking us down theroad of reduced living standards, if not to a disaster for the country, theeconomy, and the farming community whom we rely on so much. What is beingpainted by Labour, National, and the Greens is totally without common sense orscientific reasoning. It is all based on a false premise of pseudo-sciencewhich is totally without foundation. The fact that they have signed in for theNett Zero Carbon legislation is a blind man’s approach to persuasion. The ACTParty have not done this and are the only ones who have looked at the scienceand realised it cannot be achieved. What’s more it’s extremely important thatit does not happen. We need carbon dioxide to live and survive and every plantin the botanical kingdom needs it for photosynthesis. A process that leads tothe release of oxygen into the atmosphere, which is life sustaining for animalsand humans.

      The tragedy is that Labour, National, and the Greens have all fully bought intoit.

      Remember NO climate scientist has given any guarantee to any government, thatcurbing Greenhouse Gas Emissions will work!!! Introducing climate emission’slegislation to reduce carbon dioxide and methane to bring down globaltemperature, stop severe weather events, change the climate are all foolhardymeasures that will achieve absolutely nothing.

      The climate scientists do not know all the answers, and hence will not give anyguarantee.

      Although they say the science is settled! In fact, the science is neversettled, scientific knowledge is doubling every seven years and is impossiblefor it to ever be settled.

      But they still claim we must stop warming to 1.5ºC or we will burn up and theend of the world will be nigh. It is quite naïve; in fact it is quite arrogantto think mankind can control climate. The gigantic forces of nature are vastand nowhere near understood and way beyond our control.

      The scientists say they are sure of their science. If this were true then whynot give an assurance to the government? This seems quite reasonable asgovernments around the World are in for; not Millions but Trillions of dollarsas they follow the scientists’ recommendations. Naturally they want to knowthat the measures they take will work.

      The current government is committing the biggest mistake of its existence andgreater than any previous government, in terms of cost, devastation of theeconomy, hardship, loss of rights and democracy, crippling the farming community,and a sure way of making the poor even poorer.

      So - Let’s get some facts on the table:

      - There is NO Climate Emergency – There never has been, there isn’t one now,and it’s highly unlikely that there will ever be one in the future. The climatewill go on changing without the slightest regard for mankind.

      - Making a target of Zero Carbon is utterly ridiculous. In fact it defiescommon scientific sense. We desperately need Carbon Dioxide; it is the gas thatsupports all life on this Planet. Every single plant in the Botanical Kingdomrequires carbon dioxide to undertake photosynthesis to survive. It is vitalplant food. Without carbon dioxide we would not exist. It shows how little ourpoliticians know about the chemistry of metabolism.

      - Levels of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere are ”dangerously low” at around400 parts per million. If levels drop to below 200 parts per million, plantswill not grow and many will die out. Only once in the last 650 million yearshave they been as low as they are now.

      - The basic hypothesis, claimed by the climate alarmists that “rising CO2levels in the atmosphere will cause Global warming” is utterly flawed.Scientifically there is absolutely no empirical connection that this is thecase. It is a flawed hypothesis that the scientists are desperate to prove, andin doing so tolerate no alternative view. In fact, they are vociferous indenouncing any criticism. Instead of debating the issue, as a respectedscientist would, they go over the top to kill any contrary proposal. This isbizarre. If they were right, why would you not let the science speak foritself. They can’t and they know it.

      - Back in the 19th century levels of CO2 were low, around 280 ppm andvegetation on the fringes of survival were retreating and dying. Witnessed bythe expansion of the Sahara, the Kalahari, and Atacama deserts.

      - Carbon dioxide is a very weak green house gas and is almost completelysaturated after the first 80ppm in the atmosphere, so its radiative potency islost and cannot retain any further heat. This means it is an ineffectual GHG,no matter how much more carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere, it makes noimpact on raising temperature. Any further heat is NOT trapped but lost tospace, and indeed is lost to space all the time.

      - There is no problem with Global warming. It stopped in 1998. The last fewyears of Global cooling have erased nearly 23 years off a projected temperatureincrease

      - The hypothesis that human activity can create global warming is extraordinarybecause it is contrary to validated knowledge from Solar Physics, Astronomy,History, Archaeology and Geology.

      - The claim that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have dramaticallyincreased from human activity from fossil fuels and land, is false. Natural CarbonDioxide emissions account for 97% of all carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.Mankind just 3%.

      - There has been ice on Earth for less than 20% of time. Over most of ourhistory World temperatures were around 20 - 22ºC. Today, they are 12-14ºC. Whenthe temperatures were 20-22C the dinosaurs existed and were cold blooded. Why?Because at those temperatures metabolism occurred without needing to be warmblooded.

      - From 1975 the cooling period came to an end and temperatures began to riseagain, until 1998. For the last 23 years global temperatures have plateaued. Ohyes they have.!!

      -The recent claim by Melissa Fleming (the U.N. Secretary for GlobalCommunications) on climate change, “That We Own The Science” is about as stupidas you can get. NO-ONE ‘owns’ the science and her refusal to accept any viewcontrary to the IPCC, is not a scientific approach. In science you debatefindings and you question, question, question, that is how science is done. Youdo NOT trust the science. (Even Charlie Brown knows that). Flemings move tosuppress any climate view that deviates from the U.N. position is anauthoritarian desire that they really want to control us!!!!

      - We are currently in an ice age that began around 39 million years ago. Thecurrent interglacial began 15,000 years ago and peaked between 8,000 – 4,000years before present. Or 6,000 – 2,000 years BC. Known as the Holocene Optimum.We are now towards the end of our Interglacial so we can expect much greatervolatility and extremes of weather patterns in the future. Why? History tellsus so.

      - Carbon Dioxide emissions increased during the second world war and for thefollowing 20 years, yet the world was in a period of cooling. By the 1960shuman emissions of CO2 did begin to drop as nations encouraged theirpopulations to switch from coal to electricity to eliminate the famous ‘smogs’that occurred over many European cities. But the cooling period lasted until1975, with 1963 (after much debate) being the coldest year of the 20th century.It certainly was the coldest year in Great Britain;-

      (Weather Scientist Sam Jones reports - It was 1963 that had the distinction ofbeing the coldest year for more than 200 years – cold enough, in fact inwinter, for the sea to freeze in places. Blizzards buried parts of Wales andsouth-west England in snow drifts 6 metres deep, blocked roads and railways andturned villages into isolated islands. Animals died in their fields becausefarmers could not reach them through the snow. In mid-January, the temperaturein Scotland, plunged to -22.2ᵒC.)

      - Carbon Dioxide is a tasteless, odourless, colourless gas – YOU can’t see it!!So all those smoke stakes the media love showing us of steam pouring out,claiming pollution, global warming and any nasty thing they can think of; areliterally deceiving us with a gross falsehood. (To the media; learn somescience before you print the next smoking chimney.)

      - In the past Carbon Dioxide levels have ranged from 4,000ppm to 7,000ppm, evenin the middle of an ice age. There was no planetary burn out, there was noclimate emergency, but plants did grow and the forests thrived on the rich foodsupply of Carbon Dioxide. By contrast, today’s doomsayers claim the 0.04%carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is a pollutant and the catastrophe it iscausing, by excessive global warming is just ahead of us.

      - Neither carbon dioxide nor methane are important greenhouse gases. In fact,they are such minor gases; in the atmosphere they are deemed to be at trace gaslevel. Carbon Dioxide is 0.04% and methane 0.0017% of the atmosphere. Thebiggest and by far the most powerful greenhouse gas is water vapour. This isvery conveniently forgotten and discarded by the media. The climate ‘alarmists’choose not to mention it.

      - Carbon dioxide is continually being removed from the atmosphere by the Oceansand Vegetation. The Oceans are the biggest sump for carbon dioxide. GrowingTrees help, but well-watered and fertilized grass is one of the bestterrestrial means for uptake of Carbon Dioxide. What is not well known is thatmodern grasses have adapted to change and store 91% of their carbon dioxide inthe ground!! There is of course a definitive number of carbon atoms in grasseaten by sheep, cattle and deer etc which are transformed into the growinganimal by way of bones, liquid, meat, skin and other internal organs. Hence thesequestered carbon into beef saves the planet.!!!!

      - Volcanic eruptions are another source of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Theamount of carbon dioxide (among other things) spewed out by a volcano can beastronomical. It depends on the size of the volcanic eruption and the length oftime it erupts. Mt Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted for over a year and putout more carbon dioxide than mankind has, in his entire existence on Earth. Therecent Tongan eruption (Jan 14th 2022) is still going on and giving us thosecolourful sunrise afterglows. So far the carbon dioxide emissions aresignificant. In ten months a billion tons of carbon dioxide have been emitted.New Zealand puts up around 34 million tons of carbon dioxide each year. Ofthis, 33 million is by natural processes and 1 million is from human (andlivestock) emissions. This means it would take 5 million people a thousandyears to match what the Tongan volcano has emitted in ten months. Can mankindreally control the Climate??

      - How ludicrous is it, for the government to curb emissions, to the extent ofdestabilising our economy, crippling our farmers, drastically reducing ourstandard of living, increasing inflation way beyond anyone’s reach, and makingthe poor even poorer. The question must be asked. Why? When one volcano cancome along and blow it all away?

      - Green Activists are the left field in our society. They preach clean greenliving. It is anything but. Demanding we should give up our petrol cars forEV’s. That carbon dioxide is a pollutant and we must stop it. They have allthese high minded ideas of Climate Activism which will cost millions ofdollars, probably billions, but they don’t want to pay for them. So, they wantto tax the so called ‘rich’ with excess profit taxes, wealth taxes, highpersonal tax to fund their dead end programmes. But the true irony of the greenlobby is that while they want you to follow their advice, they don’t see thesame rules applying to them. They jet off around the World in fossil fuelaircraft burning millions of litres to just go to a meeting – the titlehypocrite has a new meaning. Climate Activism really has nothing to do withClimate or the environment – its implementation will kill people.

      - The world’s climate is controlled by the gigantic forces of nature. They areGlobal, The Sun, The Solar System, (The Planets) and forces beyond our SolarSystem; Cosmic Rays. All of these forces are constantly changing. None arestatic, not even the Sun. Hence the constant changing of climate which resultsin the world’s changing weather patterns. Let’s be clear here. Greenhouse Gasesdo NOT cause extreme weather. There is no scientific connection to justify sucha claim. What’s happening today with the weather has all happened before – Lookat Past; the history books are full of disasters and extreme weather events.They are nothing new. The difference today is the world’s population; is now 8billion people. So any extreme weather will have greater impact, particularlyin low lying areas or coastal regions. Floods, Hurricanes, Loss of Life,Cyclones, Tornadoes, Wind and Rain Cyclones, Fire, and Snow Storms, Loss ofVegetation leading to starvation and death. etc, are all events we must learnto live with. If we don’t learn to adapt then history has shown, species becomeextinct!

      - Professor Endersbee, a former dean of engineering and pro-vice chancellor atMonash University claims it is highly probable that increased electromagneticradiation of the Sun is responsible for any global warming, not GHG’s.

      - So far, the IPCC has been wrong on all its projections of climate!!

      1. No 50 million climate refugees by 2010, as they forecast in 2005. Zero infact.

      2. No increase in rate of sea level rise.

      3 Artic ice is still there, and not melting away.

      4 Antarctic ice is growing to the tune of 45 billion tons per year. (EuropeanSatellite)

      5 Extreme weather events, world-wide are NOT increasing.

      6 Forest fires, world-wide are NOT increasing

      7 Yes – the planet has been slowly warming, (in fits and starts) as its only172 years since we came out of the Little Ice Age in 1850. (That rise has beenjust 0.8°C).

      8 Hurricanes are NOT increasing.

      - Sea levels are essentially unchanged. See caption below for 99 years, at PalmBeach.

      - They say with climate if you want toknow the future look at the past. So, let’s look at the past. In the early1400’s at the beginning of the Little Ice Age there were several great NorthSea Storms. On August 9th 1413 a great southerly storm at extreme low tideburied the town of FORVIE, near Aberdeen in north-eastern Scotland under a thirty-metresand dune. So great was the flooding that more than 100,000 people are said tohave died in the storm. This is similar to the Dutch storm of 1362 – The “GroteMandrenke”. If this had happened today, we know where the blame would beplaced. Any rational thinking person today realises that back then Greenhousegases had nothing to do with it. THE SAME APPLIES TODAY. Nothing has changed, aNorth Sea Storm of the same proportions could occur again today.

      - Scientific knowledge is determined by the scientificmethod, through which theoretical predictions are validated or rejected byobservations. If the theoretical predictions do not work, the theory isrejected. That’s real science. Scientific knowledge is not determined bygovernment-controlled opinions, consensus, peer review, or theoretical modelsimulations that do not work. Those are false science. This brief applies thescientific method to the government’s Climate Change Commission document andthe technical document for the Reduction of Emissions. Both arescientifically corrupted and thus must be thrown out.

      It is of the utmost lunacy for any movetowards Nett Zero Carbon to continue. If the politicians continue to enforceit, there will certainly be an ‘end’ of the World scenario, as we know it. Thetotal irony will be that Climate Change had nothing to do with it. Justour stupidity.!


    1. https://hotcopper.com.au/data/attachments/6345/6345186-ad6e8aa8cc57336dd11e2c63223de622.jpg


      Comments by Dr Dick Reaney PGCAS(Cant),BDS(Otago), D.Orth.RCS(London), MRACDS(Aust), FICD. He has studied Climate and Paleoclimatologyfor 40 years with numerous expeditions to the Antarctic, the North Pole, andthe Himalayas.

      He was awarded a Visiting Scholarship toScott Polar Research Institute in 2005 by Cambridge University.

      Climate Change is normal and natural andhas gone on for millions of years without any help from the human race. Thescaremongering now going on by the media, politicians, and climate alarmists,is so utterly misguided to be nothing but tragic. That we have an End of theWorld scenario is even more ridiculous. It is a regress back to the past andhas the stamp of Dark Age soothsayers and witchcraft

      The rhetoric is at such bizarre levelsthat the greenwashing by the media and government is truly taking us down theroad of reduced living standards, if not to a disaster for the country, theeconomy, and the farming community whom we rely on so much. What is beingpainted by Labour, National, and the Greens is totally without common sense orscientific reasoning. It is all based on a false premise of pseudo-sciencewhich is totally without foundation. The fact that they have signed in for theNett Zero Carbon legislation is a blind man’s approach to persuasion. The ACTParty have not done this and are the only ones who have looked at the scienceand realised it cannot be achieved. What’s more it’s extremely important thatit does not happen. We need carbon dioxide to live and survive and every plantin the botanical kingdom needs it for photosynthesis. A process that leads tothe release of oxygen into the atmosphere, which is life sustaining for animalsand humans.

      The tragedy is that Labour, National, and the Greens have all fully bought intoit.

      Remember NO climate scientist has given any guarantee to any government, thatcurbing Greenhouse Gas Emissions will work!!! Introducing climate emission’slegislation to reduce carbon dioxide and methane to bring down globaltemperature, stop severe weather events, change the climate are all foolhardymeasures that will achieve absolutely nothing.

      The climate scientists do not know all the answers, and hence will not give anyguarantee.

      Although they say the science is settled! In fact, the science is neversettled, scientific knowledge is doubling every seven years and is impossiblefor it to ever be settled.

      But they still claim we must stop warming to 1.5ºC or we will burn up and theend of the world will be nigh. It is quite naïve; in fact it is quite arrogantto think mankind can control climate. The gigantic forces of nature are vastand nowhere near understood and way beyond our control.

      The scientists say they are sure of their science. If this were true then whynot give an assurance to the government? This seems quite reasonable asgovernments around the World are in for; not Millions but Trillions of dollarsas they follow the scientists’ recommendations. Naturally they want to knowthat the measures they take will work.

      The current government is committing the biggest mistake of its existence andgreater than any previous government, in terms of cost, devastation of theeconomy, hardship, loss of rights and democracy, crippling the farming community,and a sure way of making the poor even poorer.

      So - Let’s get some facts on the table:

      - There is NO Climate Emergency – There never has been, there isn’t one now,and it’s highly unlikely that there will ever be one in the future. The climatewill go on changing without the slightest regard for mankind.

      - Making a target of Zero Carbon is utterly ridiculous. In fact it defiescommon scientific sense. We desperately need Carbon Dioxide; it is the gas thatsupports all life on this Planet. Every single plant in the Botanical Kingdomrequires carbon dioxide to undertake photosynthesis to survive. It is vitalplant food. Without carbon dioxide we would not exist. It shows how little ourpoliticians know about the chemistry of metabolism.

      - Levels of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere are ”dangerously low” at around400 parts per million. If levels drop to below 200 parts per million, plantswill not grow and many will die out. Only once in the last 650 million yearshave they been as low as they are now.

      - The basic hypothesis, claimed by the climate alarmists that “rising CO2levels in the atmosphere will cause Global warming” is utterly flawed.Scientifically there is absolutely no empirical connection that this is thecase. It is a flawed hypothesis that the scientists are desperate to prove, andin doing so tolerate no alternative view. In fact, they are vociferous indenouncing any criticism. Instead of debating the issue, as a respectedscientist would, they go over the top to kill any contrary proposal. This isbizarre. If they were right, why would you not let the science speak foritself. They can’t and they know it.

      - Back in the 19th century levels of CO2 were low, around 280 ppm andvegetation on the fringes of survival were retreating and dying. Witnessed bythe expansion of the Sahara, the Kalahari, and Atacama deserts.

      - Carbon dioxide is a very weak green house gas and is almost completelysaturated after the first 80ppm in the atmosphere, so its radiative potency islost and cannot retain any further heat. This means it is an ineffectual GHG,no matter how much more carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere, it makes noimpact on raising temperature. Any further heat is NOT trapped but lost tospace, and indeed is lost to space all the time.

      - There is no problem with Global warming. It stopped in 1998. The last fewyears of Global cooling have erased nearly 23 years off a projected temperatureincrease

      - The hypothesis that human activity can create global warming is extraordinarybecause it is contrary to validated knowledge from Solar Physics, Astronomy,History, Archaeology and Geology.

      - The claim that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have dramaticallyincreased from human activity from fossil fuels and land, is false. Natural CarbonDioxide emissions account for 97% of all carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.Mankind just 3%.

      - There has been ice on Earth for less than 20% of time. Over most of ourhistory World temperatures were around 20 - 22ºC. Today, they are 12-14ºC. Whenthe temperatures were 20-22C the dinosaurs existed and were cold blooded. Why?Because at those temperatures metabolism occurred without needing to be warmblooded.

      - From 1975 the cooling period came to an end and temperatures began to riseagain, until 1998. For the last 23 years global temperatures have plateaued. Ohyes they have.!!

      -The recent claim by Melissa Fleming (the U.N. Secretary for GlobalCommunications) on climate change, “That We Own The Science” is about as stupidas you can get. NO-ONE ‘owns’ the science and her refusal to accept any viewcontrary to the IPCC, is not a scientific approach. In science you debatefindings and you question, question, question, that is how science is done. Youdo NOT trust the science. (Even Charlie Brown knows that). Flemings move tosuppress any climate view that deviates from the U.N. position is anauthoritarian desire that they really want to control us!!!!

      - We are currently in an ice age that began around 39 million years ago. Thecurrent interglacial began 15,000 years ago and peaked between 8,000 – 4,000years before present. Or 6,000 – 2,000 years BC. Known as the Holocene Optimum.We are now towards the end of our Interglacial so we can expect much greatervolatility and extremes of weather patterns in the future. Why? History tellsus so.

      - Carbon Dioxide emissions increased during the second world war and for thefollowing 20 years, yet the world was in a period of cooling. By the 1960shuman emissions of CO2 did begin to drop as nations encouraged theirpopulations to switch from coal to electricity to eliminate the famous ‘smogs’that occurred over many European cities. But the cooling period lasted until1975, with 1963 (after much debate) being the coldest year of the 20th century.It certainly was the coldest year in Great Britain;-

      (Weather Scientist Sam Jones reports - It was 1963 that had the distinction ofbeing the coldest year for more than 200 years – cold enough, in fact inwinter, for the sea to freeze in places. Blizzards buried parts of Wales andsouth-west England in snow drifts 6 metres deep, blocked roads and railways andturned villages into isolated islands. Animals died in their fields becausefarmers could not reach them through the snow. In mid-January, the temperaturein Scotland, plunged to -22.2ᵒC.)

      - Carbon Dioxide is a tasteless, odourless, colourless gas – YOU can’t see it!!So all those smoke stakes the media love showing us of steam pouring out,claiming pollution, global warming and any nasty thing they can think of; areliterally deceiving us with a gross falsehood. (To the media; learn somescience before you print the next smoking chimney.)

      - In the past Carbon Dioxide levels have ranged from 4,000ppm to 7,000ppm, evenin the middle of an ice age. There was no planetary burn out, there was noclimate emergency, but plants did grow and the forests thrived on the rich foodsupply of Carbon Dioxide. By contrast, today’s doomsayers claim the 0.04%carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is a pollutant and the catastrophe it iscausing, by excessive global warming is just ahead of us.

      - Neither carbon dioxide nor methane are important greenhouse gases. In fact,they are such minor gases; in the atmosphere they are deemed to be at trace gaslevel. Carbon Dioxide is 0.04% and methane 0.0017% of the atmosphere. Thebiggest and by far the most powerful greenhouse gas is water vapour. This isvery conveniently forgotten and discarded by the media. The climate ‘alarmists’choose not to mention it.

      - Carbon dioxide is continually being removed from the atmosphere by the Oceansand Vegetation. The Oceans are the biggest sump for carbon dioxide. GrowingTrees help, but well-watered and fertilized grass is one of the bestterrestrial means for uptake of Carbon Dioxide. What is not well known is thatmodern grasses have adapted to change and store 91% of their carbon dioxide inthe ground!! There is of course a definitive number of carbon atoms in grasseaten by sheep, cattle and deer etc which are transformed into the growinganimal by way of bones, liquid, meat, skin and other internal organs. Hence thesequestered carbon into beef saves the planet.!!!!

      - Volcanic eruptions are another source of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Theamount of carbon dioxide (among other things) spewed out by a volcano can beastronomical. It depends on the size of the volcanic eruption and the length oftime it erupts. Mt Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted for over a year and putout more carbon dioxide than mankind has, in his entire existence on Earth. Therecent Tongan eruption (Jan 14th 2022) is still going on and giving us thosecolourful sunrise afterglows. So far the carbon dioxide emissions aresignificant. In ten months a billion tons of carbon dioxide have been emitted.New Zealand puts up around 34 million tons of carbon dioxide each year. Ofthis, 33 million is by natural processes and 1 million is from human (andlivestock) emissions. This means it would take 5 million people a thousandyears to match what the Tongan volcano has emitted in ten months. Can mankindreally control the Climate??

      - How ludicrous is it, for the government to curb emissions, to the extent ofdestabilising our economy, crippling our farmers, drastically reducing ourstandard of living, increasing inflation way beyond anyone’s reach, and makingthe poor even poorer. The question must be asked. Why? When one volcano cancome along and blow it all away?

      - Green Activists are the left field in our society. They preach clean greenliving. It is anything but. Demanding we should give up our petrol cars forEV’s. That carbon dioxide is a pollutant and we must stop it. They have allthese high minded ideas of Climate Activism which will cost millions ofdollars, probably billions, but they don’t want to pay for them. So, they wantto tax the so called ‘rich’ with excess profit taxes, wealth taxes, highpersonal tax to fund their dead end programmes. But the true irony of the greenlobby is that while they want you to follow their advice, they don’t see thesame rules applying to them. They jet off around the World in fossil fuelaircraft burning millions of litres to just go to a meeting – the titlehypocrite has a new meaning. Climate Activism really has nothing to do withClimate or the environment – its implementation will kill people.

      - The world’s climate is controlled by the gigantic forces of nature. They areGlobal, The Sun, The Solar System, (The Planets) and forces beyond our SolarSystem; Cosmic Rays. All of these forces are constantly changing. None arestatic, not even the Sun. Hence the constant changing of climate which resultsin the world’s changing weather patterns. Let’s be clear here. Greenhouse Gasesdo NOT cause extreme weather. There is no scientific connection to justify sucha claim. What’s happening today with the weather has all happened before – Lookat Past; the history books are full of disasters and extreme weather events.They are nothing new. The difference today is the world’s population; is now 8billion people. So any extreme weather will have greater impact, particularlyin low lying areas or coastal regions. Floods, Hurricanes, Loss of Life,Cyclones, Tornadoes, Wind and Rain Cyclones, Fire, and Snow Storms, Loss ofVegetation leading to starvation and death. etc, are all events we must learnto live with. If we don’t learn to adapt then history has shown, species becomeextinct!

      - Professor Endersbee, a former dean of engineering and pro-vice chancellor atMonash University claims it is highly probable that increased electromagneticradiation of the Sun is responsible for any global warming, not GHG’s.

      - So far, the IPCC has been wrong on all its projections of climate!!

      1. No 50 million climate refugees by 2010, as they forecast in 2005. Zero infact.

      2. No increase in rate of sea level rise.

      3 Artic ice is still there, and not melting away.

      4 Antarctic ice is growing to the tune of 45 billion tons per year. (EuropeanSatellite)

      5 Extreme weather events, world-wide are NOT increasing.

      6 Forest fires, world-wide are NOT increasing

      7 Yes – the planet has been slowly warming, (in fits and starts) as its only172 years since we came out of the Little Ice Age in 1850. (That rise has beenjust 0.8°C).

      8 Hurricanes are NOT increasing.

      - Sea levels are essentially unchanged. See caption below for 99 years, at PalmBeach.

      - They say with climate if you want toknow the future look at the past. So, let’s look at the past. In the early1400’s at the beginning of the Little Ice Age there were several great NorthSea Storms. On August 9th 1413 a great southerly storm at extreme low tideburied the town of FORVIE, near Aberdeen in north-eastern Scotland under a thirty-metresand dune. So great was the flooding that more than 100,000 people are said tohave died in the storm. This is similar to the Dutch storm of 1362 – The “GroteMandrenke”. If this had happened today, we know where the blame would beplaced. Any rational thinking person today realises that back then Greenhousegases had nothing to do with it. THE SAME APPLIES TODAY. Nothing has changed, aNorth Sea Storm of the same proportions could occur again today.

      - Scientific knowledge is determined by the scientificmethod, through which theoretical predictions are validated or rejected byobservations. If the theoretical predictions do not work, the theory isrejected. That’s real science. Scientific knowledge is not determined bygovernment-controlled opinions, consensus, peer review, or theoretical modelsimulations that do not work. Those are false science. This brief applies thescientific method to the government’s Climate Change Commission document andthe technical document for the Reduction of Emissions. Both arescientifically corrupted and thus must be thrown out.

      It is of the utmost lunacy for any movetowards Nett Zero Carbon to continue. If the politicians continue to enforceit, there will certainly be an ‘end’ of the World scenario, as we know it. Thetotal irony will be that Climate Change had nothing to do with it. Justour stupidity.!


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