Dutton is unhinged - Literally nobody genuinely thinks this, page-22

  1. 82,473 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''Sadly, the Liberal Party is now home to the Far Right lunatic fringe.''

    they've been that way for a long time ------

    lunacy comes in different flavours - it doesn't have to all look like Pauline Hanson or Javier Milei (and Conan the dead dog), or Clive Palmer or similar -

    it can take the shape of John Howard ---------- 'we thought all we had to do was to watch the spending and we'd be alright' -----

    now, that IS lunacy when you are talking about running a country which you think is a nation ----------- why?
    Why is because it is sheer lunacy to think that you can build a nation without investing, with low tax, with low debt, cut cut cut - no nation was ever built by standing back, not investing, not spending, not borrowing, and cut cut cut - - has never happened and never will

    Then to Tony Abbott and his 'good idea at the time' - to cut foreign aid -

    now that was a particular kind of lunacy ------- either Abbott really thought that would save a few million and that it was a 'good idea' -------

    or he thought 'this is a great way to get some votes' - so, I'll run with it

    if he really did think it a good idea - then, he's a lunatic - because foreign aid is the cost of purchasing security - it is NOT the act of giving gifts because you have a wonderous heart

    and if he thought - this will get me some votes - BUT, he did actually know that foreign aid purchase security - then, he was as good as treasonous to his country

    the result of his lunacy was ------ to allow other nations to gain influence because old Tone - he walked out and didn't even close the door - and, in walked China

    so the result of saving those few millions - was - that we had to spend a trillion on dud subs - and still, we lost the security we would have had without his lunatic ideas

    lunacy doesn't stop with people who talk to dead dogs who tell them to run for President - unfortunately
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