One bet that one can have on Australia and it's management of...

  1. 86,572 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    One bet that one can have on Australia and it's management of it's power generation and transmission systems going forward for the foreseeable is a pretty sure bet

    it will be a continuation of the quality of the management of the situation as it's been for decades -

    which is basically - a very large cockup

    to me - all of what we see in Oz -------- be it power, gas, transportation, health, education, drivers licences, estate issues, real estate sales systems, housing, -------- the list is long long long long --

    are a clusteroot of multilayer government overlays and cockups

    much of which sheets directly home to the system of government - in particular a federation

    I cannot see a great improvement whilst such a dud system remains in place.

    There are, of course, a lot of downsides to central control - time is something - it takes time for changes to filter out of central control often - but, not always

    but, there're a lot of benefits to national control - to be done with the total craziness of trying to have things like national grids and networks whilst having to drag a gaggle of states into some kind of agreement

    it's pretty basic stuff - stick 9 aussies in a circle ----------- ask a question

    when did you ever see that they all agreed?

    never --------- and never will

    so, don't expect a lot of action with 6 states and several territories

    god help us if ever Jervis Bay Territory decides to go it's own way from the ACT

    we might have civil war
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