@dave sss; Peter Dutton's record as a Minister was at best...

  1. 47,988 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @dave sss; Peter Dutton's record as a Minister was at best inept.

    As the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection under Tony Abbott's inept administration Dutton's performance was at best, lacklustre. He was uncaring and brutal towards asylum seekers fleeing persecution from places including Sri Lanka wherein the Tamil genocide was climaxing. The level of censorship imposed to prevent reports about the plight of indefinitely incarcerated asylum seekers damaged Australia's human rights record.

    Following the Liberal Party's sacking of Abbott, Dutton tried to replace Malcolm Turnbull as leader only to enable Scott Morrison to become PM.

    Dutton then bulldozed his colleagues into creating a super-sized ministry for him to be able to exert more power - Home Affairs. After a very ordinary performance therein Dutton took over Defence, making many trips to the USA to buy even more US weapons and becoming one of the first people to bring Covid19 into Australia.

    As Opposition Leader Dutton has resurrected Abbott's destructive negativity; undermining the Voice to Parliament referendum, opposed improving wages outcomes for Australian workers, he's virtually eliminated women from within the Liberal Party and significantly exacerbating relations between Australian Palestinian and Australian Jews by opposing the bipartisan two state solution Australia has supported for many decades.

    Dutton has even resumed abusing China after having earlier damaged our trade relationship with it. He's sought to massively increase Australia's already post WW2 record level of spending on Defence and spent almost no time at all in states including Victoria, Tasmania, WA and SA.

    And Dutton's plan for Australia's future: supporting American warmongering, conflict with China, conflict with Russia, enduring love for Old King Coal, depriving public schools of resources, denying equality of opportunity and support to women, treating young Aussies as leaner-loafer-bludgers ... apparently he thinks these will endear the Liberal Party to voters at the 2025 Election.
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