you are a dead set moron matenews flash, someone can disagree...

  1. 399 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 71
    you are a dead set moron mate

    news flash, someone can disagree with something you think without being a murdoch worshipping lno fanboy!

    I couldn't give a rats where the LNP sit on any political line. or labour for that matter. i always have and always will vote independent, based on the policies i value.

    you calling any person who intends to vote no a RWNJ is the entire reason popularity is waning. insteadof listening to concerns, the yes advocates jump into name calling. its like a footy umpire, they have never changed their minds because a player abused them, it doesnt work

    How you are bringing climate change into something price said about dutton is beyond me!

    both parties have an abhorrent record with respect to the way they treat asylum seekers.bit was rudd who said even genuine refugees will be held in the third world and then never allowed to settle in aus, so i wouldn't be using refugee rights as evidence of "labor good libs bad"

    as for this "dutton should have called price a liar" idea, are you being deliberately stupid? all sides of politics try to show a united front. im sure if dutton came out and said she deliberately lied you would be starting 10 posts about "disunity in the lnp ranks"

    take the blinders off mate. assess each bit of policy based on your beliefs, and not what one party says. life is more compelx than lab or lib
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