Dutton's Demand.

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 649
    the Ambassador fro Iran, Ahmad Sadeghi, wrote a twit when revered Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, was killed by Israeli missile in Iran.

    Nasrallah has been described in a wide range of reports as an important and influential leader among the people of Shia people. his position among supporters was similar to our chief of defence, David Johnston, but much more so as Nasrallah was also a religious leader who had been a leading light for decades and was very strongly supported by the people.

    the twit wasn't earth shattering, didn't call for and uprising of Aus/Iranian people or suggest any form of violence.

    but Mr Dutton seems to have taken offence at the twit. today he announced that Sadeghi should be expelled. this is not a mere reaction but a considered diplomatic decision. Expulsion of an ambassador is a very serious action usually associated with high level espionage or calling for some heinous and violent action against Australians.

    What's taken Dutton so long to come to this decision? Why did he make this announcement?

    Albanese had already condemned Sadeghi's twit. but Sadeghi's twit was simply joining the voices of millions of his fellow Iranians and following the lead expected of him by his nation's leadership.

    I do not support Sadeghi's views and similar condemn the massed opinion of the Iranian people, just as I condemn the heinous words and actions of Israel as they go about slaughtering many thousands of innocent lives. neither side in this conflict are right.

    Ambassadors are essential for diplomatic relations. they enable communication. bargaining between nations for improved co-operation and negotiation of settlement of conflicts between nations. they also provide important services to migrants from the foreign country.

    Embassies are not a political toy to be discarded when one is in disagreement.

    SBS reports that both the Jewish and Iranian community councils agree that Sadeghi should be expelled. so Dutton has perhaps read the tea leaves.

    but the importance of diplomatic relations between countries is of such importance that diplomats have only been expelled for very serious breaches of diplomatic conduct. a Twit is not such a breach. the list of Govt expulsions, with brief explanation, can be found HERE.

    so what to say about Dutton's call? personally I'm ambivalent.

    there are arguments on both sides of this; its not black and white but a nuanced matter that risks taking sides in an abhorrent conflict that may possibly result in a serious global conflict.

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