what do you want Einstein? drop net zero ------- build coal...

  1. 86,132 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    what do you want Einstein?

    drop net zero ------- build coal fired plants, ban EV's - take all legislation away from environment, car safety rules

    maybe you want 'government to get out of the way and let business do business'

    honest to god - if you can't see the actions and lack of actions that have got Oz into all the crises that it's got atm ---------- then, you truly must be blind.

    Albo isn't destroying Oz ------------------ I said right from the start that all Albo and Labor can do is to arrange a nice funeral

    people 'think' Oz is wealthy and life is good ----------- they have NO idea of the cancer within

    it's just like having cancer all through the body and being unaware of it..

    some of the boneheads point to things like debt to gdp etc and say - oh look, isn't Oz in a great state - look at that

    the answer is 'no' it is not -------------- Oz has a dreadful character flaw of thinking that if the bank balance is ok - then, it's ok

    that's a perfect recipe in most eras for a fail - for an era like we have been entering for the last few decades - such thinking is terminal - the perfect recipe for death

    the damage is done by NOT spending. Cut, cut, cut ----

    no nation grows by 'cut' - nations grow by investment - and that more often than not means 'debt' and tax

    you look at the current mess and you see Albo's fault ---

    you have the imagination, situational awareness, understanding of history etc at similar levels of a small uneducated child ----------- AND, a spectacular lack of vision to go with it

    Oz is between a rock and a hard place now -------- yes, there are options that could rescue it - but, they all hurt
    they all are risky, they all have a low level of chance of success - but, they are there

    but, it matters not - because Oz is incapable of even seeing the mire it's in - mostly if people are even aware of the dangers and situation - they are in denial, because the reality is too painful to think about

    Oz won't go for the few options available - it is incapable of such action

    if you think that's all opinion - fine. But remember this - those predictions I made 6 years ago about rentals and homeless ---------------- I was told that my opinions were shit

    yet here we are - on the money. People like you couldn't grasp where we were and where we were going that I am some others could see clearly

    so too - many can't see where they are now and where we are going ---------- and again - it's where we must go, there is no other way (unless some massive change like world war or similar - and, god help us with something like that)
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