taser guns nice story i dont think, page-4

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    ABC Online
    Queensland's Police Minister has admitted he has known since Monday that police released false information about the use of a stun gun in an incident where a man later died.

    Today it was revealed that Antonio Galeano could have been tasered up to 28 times before his death during an arrest at Brandon, south of Townsville, last Friday.

    It was not until the media reported today that the Taser was used 28 times, and not three, that the Minister, Police Service and Union all publicly acknowledged the truth.

    They all say they have acted appropriately but critics insist there has been a cover-up.

    The Taser stun guns are capable of temporarily paralysing some muscle control though an electric shock.

    Queensland Police Minister Neil Roberts says he knew that data downloaded from the Taser showed it had been fired 28 times since Monday.

    "That information was what prompted both the Commissioner and I on Monday to announce a full review of both policy and training related to Tasers in Queensland," he said.

    However, a man who predicted that someone would die in a Taser-related death when the weapon was rolled out in Queensland this year suspects something more sinister happened.

    Peter Pyke is a former Queensland police sergeant and ex-politician.

    "The advice that was given to the community at large - that the Taser had only been fired three times - does appear to me to smack of a cover-up," he said.

    Queensland Police Deputy Commissioner Ian Stewart says officers learnt that the stun gun had been fired 28 times on Sunday.

    But he has echoed the Minister's comments and says the Police Service has acted appropriately.

    "Well obviously this is part of an ongoing and very sensitive investigation. The release of that information is at the behest of the state," he said.

    The Coroner's conclusions on the power of the electric shocks delivered to Mr Galeano will be keenly awaited.

    The Taser fires 50,000 volts, but most of that doesn't transmit to the intended recipient.

    The Police Union's acting president, Ian Leavers, was quick to get to North Queensland last week and explain that Mr Galeano was a well-known drug user, mentally ill, violent, naked and harming himself.

    He said it was known that the Taser was used two to three times.

    Mr Leavers has spoken to the arresting officers again and he says they are perplexed.

    "I am confident they are being open and honest in relation to this. They are concerned as well with the information that has come out, and they are baffled accordingly," he said.

    While Queensland Police have temporarily suspended the rollout of Tasers, the 1,200 already given out will remain in use.

    A review of policies, training and monitoring of stun guns is underway, but Deputy Commissioner Ian Stewart is confident there's nothing wrong with them.

    But Terry O'Gorman from the Queensland Council of Civil Liberties says Queensland authorities should look to overseas examples.

    "The Canadian Government has simply now prohibited Canadian police from engaging in multiple discharges of tasers, and we're going to urge that prohibition both on the Queensland Police service and on the Crime and Misconduct Commission," he said.

    There have been three deaths linked to Taser use in Australia and Amnesty International says there are 300 in America.

    Medical opinion is divided.

    Some experts say Tasers could cause seizures and exacerbate heart problems, while others say the weapon is safe if used properly and a good option for law enforcers.

    Mr Galeano's family say they would rather not speak about the death of the 39-year-old at this stage.

    Dave R.
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