ann coulter the uber andrew bolt

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    DEUTSCH: OK, I think you need to say that again. That Bill Clinton, you think on some level, has — is a latent homos exual, is that what you’re saying?

    Ms. COULTER: Yeah.

    DEUTSCH: Before we’re off the air, you were talking about Bill Clinton. Is there anything you want to say about Clinton? No?

    Ms. ANN COULTER: No.

    DEUTSCH: OK. All right. Did you find him attractive? Was that what it was?

    Ms. COULTER: No!

    DEUTSCH: You don’t find him attractive?

    Ms. COULTER: No. OK, fine, I’ll say it on air.

    DEUTSCH: Most women find him attractive.

    Ms. COULTER: No.

    DEUTSCH: OK, say it on air.

    Ms. COULTER: I think that sort of rampant promiscuity does show some level of latent homos exuality.

    DEUTSCH: OK, I think you need to say that again. That Bill Clinton, you think on some level, has — is a latent homos exual, is that what you’re saying?

    Ms. COULTER: Yeah. I mean, not sort of just completely anonymous — I don’t know if you read the Starr report, the rest of us were glued to it, I have many passages memorized. No, there was more plot and dialogue in a porno movie.

    The conversation swings a bit before Deutsch moves it back to Big Gay Bill.

    DEUTSCH: I’m not paying any attention. I’m still stuck on Bill Clinton. Don’t — now, isn’t that an example of mean-spirted? Isn’t that just a mean-spirited low blow? No pun intended.
    Ms. COULTER: No. Which part of what I said?

    DEUTSCH: I think this…

    Ms. COULTER: Well, you can read high crimes and misdemeanors if he wants some low blows.

    DEUTSCH: OK. No, no. Here’s a — here’s a president of the United States…

    Ms. COULTER: There’s merely a comment.

    DEUTSCH: …a former president of the United States, and just saying, `You know what? I think he has latent homos exual tendencies.’

    Ms. COULTER: No. I think anyone with that level of promiscuity where, you know, you — I mean, he didn’t know Monica’s name until their sixth sexual encounter. There is something that is — that is of the bathhouse about that.

    DEUTSCH: But what is the homo sexual — that’s — you could say somebody who maybe doesn’t celebrate women the way he should or just is that he’s a hound dog?

    Ms. COULTER: No. It’s just random, is this obsession with his…

    DEUTSCH: But where’s the — but where’s the homos exual part of that? I’m — once again, I’m speechless here.

    Ms. COULTER: It’s reminiscent of a bathhouse. It’s just this obsession with your own — with your own essence.

    DEUTSCH: But why is that homo sexual? You could say narcissistic.

    Ms. COULTER: Right.

    DEUTSCH: You could say nymphomaniac.

    Ms. COULTER: Well, there is something narcissistic about homos exuality. Right? Because you’re in love with someone who looks like you. I’m not breaking new territory here, why are you looking at me like that?
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