e bomb

  1. 205 Posts.

    E-Bomb: Ultimate Military (and Terrorist) Weapon


    In the distance a sharp crack splits the evening asunder. You glance at your watch: 7:12

    p.m. The antique grandfather clock behind you reads 7:17 p.m. You look up at the wall

    clock: 7:12.

    The TV in the corner glows with a greenish phosphorescence. You click the remote -

    nothing happens. The air is close and clammy, as if the air conditioning were not running. It

    smells like a mixture of rainstorm and melted plastic. You feel a warmth against your chest,

    and realize your PDA is quite hot. As you pull it out, you burn your fingers and drop it to the


    The tick-tock from the grandfather clock seems louder. A click, and the Westminster chimes

    play two cycles - 7:30. You glance at your watch: still 7:12.

    The light switch - but the lights stay dark, except your fluorescent desk lamp, which glows

    dully. You pick up the phone. It's hot to the touch, no dial tone. You reach for your cell

    phone, but it doesn't work either, and it's almost too hot to hold.

    Your computer is smoked. Your magnetically stored data is history. Your magnetic backups

    - the whole kit and caboodle - are gone.

    Obviously, something is terribly wrong.

    You run outside into the growing darkness - none of the street lights are working - and

    point your control pad at your Lexus. Nothing happens. So you unlock the door with the

    key and then you attempt to start the ignition. Nothing. Not even a click. And your

    headlights don't work either.

    You open the car door, and that's when you notice it: An eerie quiet has settled over the

    city. Except for the barking of a few dogs and the shouts of several children, there is no

    sound at all. No cars, no busses, no planes, no music - nothing but silence, and the smell

    of ozone and burnt insulation.

    You suddenly realize that the entire background music of civilization is missing. It is as if

    you had gone back 200 years into the past.

    What happened? What could have caused such a scene? How could something like this

    happen in the modern world?

    In a word: E-bomb.

    Somewhere within a several-mile radius, a terrorist cell set off a $400 flux compression

    generator (FCG) - engineer-speak for an E-bomb.

    A typical FCG consists of an explosives-packed tube about 12 inches in diameter, loosely

    wrapped with a copper coil that is connected to a capacitor bank. The firing sequence

    dumps the capacitor bank into the coil, creating a magnetic field, and immediately

    thereafter sets off the explosive charge, which is packed to detonate sequentially through

    the tube. The exploding tube flares outward shorting the coil, creating a moving short

    circuit. The propagating short compresses the magnetic field while reducing the coil's


    This produces a ramping current pulse, which breaks before the device disintegrates.

    Typical ramp times are several milliseconds with peak currents of tens of millions of amps.

    The emerging electromagnetic pulse is several orders of magnitude stronger than a typical

    lightning bolt.

    A properly constructed E-bomb can effectively "fry" everything electric and electronic within

    several miles of the point of detonation. And the pulse is not the end. During the next fifteen

    minutes or so, collapsing electrical systems and communications grids will distribute the

    pulse, and create their own smaller pulses, analogous to an earthquake aftershock. The

    entire affected electrical and communications system will tear itself apart - self destruct.

    Put it in a small plane, and you can stop a city. Put it in a high-flying passenger jet, and you

    can stop several states, or even a country.

    That's a lot of "bang" for $400 worth of materials.

    This is not science fiction. Several labs have already run full-scale tests of these devices.

    Even now, the U.S. Navy is preparing to install them in cruise missiles (in fact, may already

    have done so), and to install them shipboard to disable incoming missiles. The Air Force is

    readying several of its unmanned planes to carry sophisticated versions of the E-bomb.

    And both the Navy and Air Force are investigating how best to install the devices in

    manned aircraft. The Army is investigating how to explode artillery shells in mid-flight.

    Will these weapons be used in the forthcoming conflict with Iraq? Almost certainly. They

    are most effective when deployed against a high-tech opponent, but Iraq is still a modern

    nation in the sense that it depends upon electricity and electronics in a significant way.

    Expect to see, therefore, High Power Microwave (HPM) devices directed against Iraq's

    industrial centers in the first few days of the war.

    HPMs are more directed and controllable than generalized E-bombs, and can be used to

    take out specific targets with very little "collateral" damage. Iraq will present the United

    States with the first real opportunity to see how these weapons work under actual combat


    These devices have been in development since the late 1950s, but only in the last few

    years have we made the necessary advances to call them weapons. Until two years ago,

    the Russians led the world in E-bomb development. Their devices have been purchased by

    several European nations - that we know of. Australia has an ongoing program, as do

    China, Israel and South Africa…

    What we don't know is what level of E-bomb weaponry has fallen into al Qaeda's hands.

    Exact instructions for constructing one of the $400 devices are not readily available, but it

    won't take long for al Qaeda's American university-trained engineers to find the right


    A tip for U.S. intelligence agencies: Look for unexplained power outages in remote

    locations during the next several months, as al Qaeda operatives work the bugs out of their

    home-made E-bombs.

    And then, stand by ….

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