CVN 0.00% 15.0¢ carnarvon energy limited

And if they fall due to more delay I'll be there to snap more up...

  1. 809 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 117
    And if they fall due to more delay
    I'll be there to snap more up !!!!
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(20min delay)
Mkt cap ! $268.3M
Open High Low Value Volume
15.0¢ 15.3¢ 15.0¢ $52.64K 350.9K

Buyers (Bids)

No. Vol. Price($)
3 212503 15.0¢

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
15.5¢ 989792 13
View Market Depth
Last trade - 14.10pm 01/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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