Denmor,Your thoughts are valid and I respect your view.However,...

  1. 1,484 Posts.
    Your thoughts are valid and I respect your view.

    However, do not throw the baby out with the bath water.

    Plastics are amazing, they do not rust and termites do not eat them, they can be non permeable and they are cheap and readily available even to the poorest.

    They are also circulating in the Pacific and filling up the stomaches of baby Albatrosses ect...

    Energy gives us the ability to create surplus, so that we do not spend our entire life gathering food and creating temporary shelters. It allows us to process resources and is the basis of specialisation and economies.

    Its production does have a footprint on bio-diverity however and that is indisputable. Every human being on the planet has a negative impact on bio-diversity - this is un-avoidable.

    Does it mean we should all hang our heads in shame for being dirty, selfish greedy vain parasites?

    Possibly, but that is extreme and non helpful.

    What is more sensible is to use common sense and be more discerning on how we choose to spend our surplus.

    Also to choose a way of doing things that is less harmful to Biodiversity.

    Permaculture is an excellent, useful and grounded approach - though it does attract a lot of less balanced individuals.

    By all means enjoy the party, but at least wash your plate and pick up the trash afterwards.

    When I learned about bush-walking and camping, I was taught to leave no trace of my passing - so why can't just a tiny piece of this respect make its way out-side of the National Parks? - even just an awareness of this attitude.

    If you are still looking at Nature as something to be tamed and enslaved, to kill of the "non useful" parts then perhaps we should apply that thinking to ourselves also?
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