easter coming, page-25

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    You well know who commanded these was not Jesus.
    (Leviticus 23:23) Jehovah went on speaking to Moses, saying:

    Also the Scriptures are specific as to whom this was commanded.

    (Leviticus 23:2) “Speak to the Israelites and tell them, ‘The seasonal festivals of Jehovah that you should proclaim are holy conventions.
    It was no coincidence that Jesus death occurred on the 14th day of Nisan(Abib). Jesus took the place of all these requirements.

    John the Baptizer pointed to Jesus, saying: “See, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (Joh 1:29) John may have had in mind the Passover lamb, or he could have been thinking of the male sheep that Abraham offered up instead of his own son Isaac or of the male lamb that was offered up upon God’s altar at Jerusalem each morning and evening.—Ge 22:13; Ex 29:38-42.

    The apostle Paul, in urging Christians to live clean lives, attributes pictorial significance to the Passover. He says: “For, indeed, Christ our passover has been sacrificed.” (1Co 5:7) Here he likens Christ Jesus to the Passover lamb.
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