easter coming, page-30

  1. 7,453 Posts.

    your sin is against you NOT THE LAW."

    lets look and compare what hebrews says about the matter

    For the law,having a SHADOW of good things to come,and not the very image of the things,can never with these sacrifices which they offered year after yearcontinually to make the comers perfect thereunto perfect

    v4 for it is not possible for the blood of goats and bulls should take away sins

    v5 wherefore when he comes into the world ,he said ,sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not,but a body hast thou prepared me

    v8 above when he said,sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings for sin thou wouldest not,neither had pleasure theirin,which are offered by the LAW

    v9 then he said he,i come to do thy will,o gode,HE TAKETH AWAY THE FIRST,THAT HE MAY ESTABLISH THE SECOND

    Clearly tb,it is talking about the law of moses contained in ordinances etc,this is done away with as the texts i gave say

    There is no need for them anymore,because they were instituted to point isreal to the coming messiah,once he had come and his sacrifice accepted

    There is no need for them anymore,they had done their intended job

    The law was against them,because it couldnt take away sins,but jesus could by his blood,the blood of the new covenant

    Tb says the old covenant is still valid,clearly the bible says it was put on the cross and "he taketh the first away,that he may establish the second"heb10.9

    "THIS IS THE COVENANT I WILL MAKE WITH THEM AFTER THOSE DAYS,says the lord,i will put my LAWS(all 613 commandments, statutes and judgements obviusly)into their hearts and minds"

    your words,not jesus or the bible
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