Eastern Europe is showing the way, page-7

  1. 4,822 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 919
    Just another disgusting #metoo-unless-the-rapists-are-brown devil.
    People like her need to be put on camera in a room full of the parents of child sexual assault victims in Rotherham etc. Pretty much any town in the UK/Europe would work but the others are still being covered up or swept under the rug.

    Holding different people to different standards is weak & short sighted.
    Weak because it helps neither the criminal to improve their behaviour & short sighted because today’s protected species can quickly become tomorrow’s target.

    Why can they become the target? Because people who hold others to bigoted standards, ( ‘well that’s their culture so it’s ok if they harm people ), can easily change who they hold to a high/low standard as they really have no set guiding principle.

    If we treat everyone the same then we can never harm anyone & we can never accept anyone being harmed.

    She & her kind accept the harm of one group today. They can easily be convinced to accept the harm of another group tomorrow.

    It’s highlighted by the fact that her type insult one race or nationality if they don’t do as the bigots want- the basic argument is ‘but you’re White, therefore you must do this/that’.

    The same as Poland, many Eastern European nations have just in the last 20 years escaped the horrible shadow cast by WW2- the communist control of their countries by the Soviets.

    Our bigoted left expects that just because of the colour of their skin they should take refugees but many of those nations are quite poor, thanks to their time under commmunism & probably couldn’t afford to look after any of the lovely refugee families- those mysterious things which have almost no women or children & over 90% of whom will never even attempt to get a job once a Western country accepts them. ( it’s over 95% in most cases ).

    Western European nations are pretending they can afford numbers like that, but they can’t.
    All they’re doing at the moment is spending their kid’s & future generation’s tax moneys & will only awake from their delusions once bankrupt.

    Build/renovate a school/hospital or pay for 10,000 foreign fighting age men to hang around at the shopping centre looking for victims all day?

    We can see for ourselves what those Western states are choosing & how it is damaging them.
    To be honest, I’m not surprised at all. The EU is exactly the type of body the Germans planned for if they won the war & is structured in the way that they planned it to be. Berlin is now in defacto control of their third Reich, at least in Europe & we have a German pope.

    Think back to before his time- under the Polish Pope there was nothing like we have now. Berlin in control & a German Pope to add a veneer of legitimacy to their goals- if anyone is surprised that Poland etc are being openly targeted they really need to read more books. It’s all there in black & white.

    I live the way my grandparents taught me to. Most of us do as we spend a lot of our formative years being cared for by them.

    Who do we think the grandparents of the current 60-80 year old leadership of Berlin were?
    What were those grandparents doing back when they were young? Hint: they were most active back in the 1930’s & 40’s....
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