Ecofibre Medical Cannabis float around Easter 2018, page-132

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    Dear Andy,

    Oh my.

    1. First I must challenge you to find any ASX regulation that prohibits private individuals from selling something that belongs to them to whomever the hell they damned please. You can look here: (

    2. Please note that your Merril example is a fallacious comparison to the present situation.

    Merril is an INTERMEDIARY, subject to the the rules of THAT profession.Ecofibre has NOT hired an investment bank. No intermediaries or "brokers" are involved.

    At the present date, Ecofibre is a bunch of guys who can do what they want with their own stuff until 29 March.

    The company is currently private, and you are complaining that these guys wont sell you their Lamborghini for the price of a beat up old Holden Ute.

    Who do you think you are mate?

    3. Did you ever hear the phrase, "It ain't what you know, it's WHO you know"?

    Yeah, that's been true since the dawn of time.

    If I am your broker and you have $12 million with me that you turn over twice a year, you get the biggest chunk of whatever I am allotted as a broker.

    I love you bro.

    If you are some guy with $50,000 in the world and you call me up and "fight me" for IPO allocations, dude, I only got 3000 shares because I am a crappy broker that has little poker clients like you...sorry man.

    I don't have anything for you.

    If you are my Mom or a girl I like seeing naked or my best friend or my brother, yeah, we're gonna talk about what you can afford to do for this "Facebook" thing. The fine over 150 some odd brokers in the Merril case was $6 million.

    The same amount of money they pay the CEO when he excuses himself from a meeting to take a slash.

    So, what you need, is RELATIONSHIPS.

    4. Relationships don't cost much.

    Wanna meet Barry Lambert? Go to one of his money charity events, drop $100 in the plate, nurse your beer all night and meet him and ask him if he knows a good money manager.

    He'll introduce you.

    Go to an industrial hemp conference.

    There are dozens of them all over the world every year. One of them is near you. Pay the $200 fee, learn stuff.

    You'll meet Eric Wang. Phil Warner, Paul Benheim will be there (holding my tongue now), and you'll meet people from the NEXT big cannabis IPO.

    I know these people. So does DAVID and MG...that's HOW we got on the "other side of the fence".

    A few hundred bucks, nurse your beer, meet people, make friends, throw business their way, even if it is just referrals from your wealthier mates...and DO SOMETHING FOR THEM FIRST.

    You are right. Nobody cares about poor people they do not know.

    They care for people they know and like because things were done, and favors are appropriate.

    That's how the world works.

    Get Woke.  Your Dad should have taught you this.  But it’s fine, I got it:

    Nobodies become somebodies because of WHO the know, not what they FEEL.

    Reach down, count 'em, make sure there are still two, and GO MEET PEOPLE where they hang out, and make yourself at least likable if not useful to them.

    Hope that helps.

    Your opinions are whiny and unbecoming a warrior in these markets.

    There is no “Mommy” that will make your big brother give you your “fair share” of the candy.  

    You’re gonna have to take it.
    Last edited by HempCFO: 26/02/19
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