economists praise labor's decision on surplus, page-23

  1. 8,044 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32

    rate cuts .... too little to late probably due to the govnement spending too much for too little return but scaring the RBA into thinking their spending would create inflation .... foot on accelerator Vs other foot on brake ... fools !!

    AND NOW on top of all that , since not enough tax take they are borrowing on "our" behalf and have to pay interest on our behalf... so less net money in the till... income down ..expenses up

    the fools !!!

    cash rates need to be 2% and then get off the back of business so business can grow, high peopole who will be productive

    did you know trhat most employenment has come from more gov employees and govnemtn advisers/consultants ... sack em all, let them get into the workforce, get wages down and cost of good sshould fall....
    now has the highest % of gov employees to non gov employees in history
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