yeah falcons are ok. a bit thirsy. a bit plasticky. a bit, you...

  1. 436 Posts.
    yeah falcons are ok. a bit thirsy. a bit plasticky. a bit, you know, falcon-y

    I drive a '96 accord - now there's a nice car on the highway. seriously - best cruiser I've ever driven

    I also have a Cole Clark. FL2AC.

    And they are great instruments - and one reason why you get a lot of guitar for the money is that Cole Clark (unlike almost all other guitar makers) have automated their production facilities. People say that takes the romance out of instrument building (you know - the old hand made is better than robotic made arguments).

    The fact is this, when market's became "open" we were flooded with cheap imports. I say, "good"! I love me some cheap imports!

    Heaps of people start bitching and moaning about the decline in the local industries... ALL the while they're BUYING the cheap imports

    it reminds me of something I'll never forget... About 10 years ago a Kodak film factory in Melbourne closed down - one of the laid-off workers was protesting outside the gates and filming the event... ON A DIGITAL CAMERA!!!! ...

    Now that I think about it - he MUST have been trolling

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