the problem with this Howard conservative and business pleasing...

  1. 87,069 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    the problem with this Howard conservative and business pleasing do nothing and get out of the way is that ----------- one just can't buy back 40 years of lost preparation

    we just can't

    Oz has had a braindrain in STEMS (other areas have been attracting brains - but, not STEMS) ------

    so not only have we literally gutted STEMS research and ed (and classical ed) - but, we've been haemorrhaging what STEMS people we did have - they are GONE

    and they are not coming back - there's too much on offer OS -- even if Oz had exciting projects to drag them back - OZ would have to pay heaps more to compete.

    I was talking to some young (mid 30's) STEMS people here a few months back - and whilst they weren't aware of some of the big money for mining - they look at Oz compared to what is on offer in Europe and they just shake their heads --

    Europe is - Europe. And Walkabout Creek is Walkabout Creek, and that will never change unless Oz has a total cultural change and a vastly different attitude.

    There are the odd stars shining in Oz in research - and very exciting stuff - when Oz does it - it does it differently and well ---------- but, they are just way too few and they aren't backed by the nation

    I believe we've lost it - lost the race in the last decades and I don't believe we can catch up without an extraordinary amount of luck - but, if we want to try - there's one place to begin - and it requires other parts of a puzzle as well

    the place to begin is Education and research ----------- classical ed and STEMS needs a monster injection - and maintenance program -

    AND that all has to be part of a system - where new industries are actively seeded - so as to absorb what comes out of the Unis in the following years ----------- otherwise if we don't prep new industries - then, we'll again get a brain drain and a lot more taxi drivers

    unfortunately - taxis will be kaput soon - and there's only so many pizza delivery people needed

    the tragedy from my pov - is that Ozzies are different, they think differently - and if you have an idea - then Ozzies can often make it work where others can't -

    what an advantage ------------- yet ---------- we totally wasted it.

    I can't see Labor making enough changes to make a difference - without a lot of luck (maybe hit the Quantum target - that'd be good)

    and I certainly can't see Duddo's mob having anything bar fails - that's their record - do nothing and when you do - it's a major fu
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