TV2 0.00% 0.8¢ tv2u international limited

Ecotonian/JayPlus AG, page-11

  1. 76 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 23
    Great find mate, below excerpt from the website also. Makes sense!!

    Our Sports OTT Platform and 360° Fan Engagement enhances brand monetisation through the creation, delivery and sharing of content, information and ideas amongst sporting fan communities.It provides cutting-edge real-time analytical tools to deliver mission critical fan behavioural data, which is essential for the growth and profitability of sports content providers. It transforms the way sports owners analyse fan data by providing a deeper insight into sports content consumption and interaction at a granular level that has not been possible before. Sports Content Owners receive the data they need to truly understand how, when, and where their content is seen and shared by viewers. Sports Content Owners use that real-time data to boost engagement and earn more money from their content. Our proposition to Sports Content Rights Holders is to increase revenues through retention of fans and the attainment of new followers by offering multiple levels of fan engagement from live games and video-on-demand to Social Media, Fantasy Games, In-Game Betting, Lottery, e-commerce and e-sports.Built to Engage and grab modern fans with HD quality video and interactive elements that lets them watch, vote, shop and share anywhere, anytime and with any Device.Our platform is a hybrid of traditional and emerging technologies, disrupting the future of television & online media.

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