Election shocker: 4 Corners to expose massive meat industry corruption

  1. 47,107 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    The sensational article below reports that Liberals are refusing to respond to questions from the ABC's 4 Corners team:

    " From bribes to your barbecue: How Australia's biggest meat company was built on corruption '
    "... Unlike former Treasurer Joe Hockey, who was happy to laud the JBS takeover of Primo in 2015, Mr Frydenberg has been more tight-lipped.
    He made no public statement when approving the latest deals and has declined to answer questions from Four Corners.
    JBS Australia declined an interview and did not answer written questions.


    Following on from Morrison's self-induced Solomon Islands crisis, amidst unprecedented declines in real wages and soaring inflation, with interest rates about to rocket and with reports Morrison's pork barrel already exceeds $23 Billion vs Labor's $1.9 Billion now we're to learn of massive corruption throughout the meat industry.

    I wonder why Liberals are refusing to answer probing questions?
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