Neither of those two things are a problem, they are a...

  1. 3,323 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 26
    Neither of those two things are a problem, they are a feature.
    The forcing you to wear a seatbelt is anti-democratic? No, it is there for your protection, and to protect society.
    Same with the compulsory voting.

    It is there to protect you.
    The clueless would next ask -
    " From what?"
    From the rich and the property barons who would otherwise make it difficult to vote.

    The senate takes a long time, but it gives you a house of review where the " little guy" can get in, and have a voice, and a veto.

    This is by design. This means it is working as it should.

    Do you not understand the horrors the Australian system was designed to be superior to?

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