OK, so, you can't handle being wrong on one count, you need to...

  1. 3,323 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 26
    OK, so, you can't handle being wrong on one count, you need to go all in on every crazy idea.

    We have had the ability to do online voting for decades, why don't we?

    1) not everyone can
    2) no one would trust it
    3) no way of invigilating it.

    We have people every election cast doubt on voting results. Fortunately the AEC is smarter than you, and knows to gather reciepts.

    Let me ask you, seeing as you spout these stupid ideas verbatim from the list of dumb things that you heard, which company do you trust to run our government elections - Google or Microsoft?

    Careful how you answer. Those are your only two options.

    Which website?

    Now, can you chose?

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