The old hydrogen from coal troll continues the propaganda...

  1. 35,851 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4

    The old hydrogen from coal troll continues the propaganda campaign.

    Don't worry troll boy. You're fooling no one. Except yourself, that is.

    A three year old article ? That's about two decades for other technologies.

    An article with a dodgy headline ? " Automakers " ?

    Then why is it that all these auto manufacturers are building them ?

    So what about all those lithium batteries in society then ?

    The phone that is your pocket of charging beside your bed overnight ?

    The battery is your tablet or laptop ? It's not like there's many of those in houses and building around the place, is there ?

    The millions of cordless tools that tradies use every day ?

    All those UPS in offices attached to computers ?

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