Electric ute extreme towing test, page-140

  1. 12,028 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 476
    Solar energy is a very very diffuse energy.

    We are not that smart & battery tech needs to increase 10 fold or more.

    ( I am on record that I am not per se against the ev, but instread the the battery tech, which DOES NOT deliver a better mousetrap & saving the world via EV is a load of rubbish under its current guise)

    Lithium & all variants of it simply use too much resource & have such a limited life.

    They are NOT advancement....and it is ALL to the battery tech & man not being as smart as we think we are.

    Can we even mine that amout of material required.

    We will be using precious resources for no real advancement.

    Flow batteries give a semblence of an opportunity for bigger batteries, but scaling still required.
    But do offer 40+ year operating life.

    Flow batteries doen't help the electric cars however.

    Still has a long way to go, but wireless charging built into the highway network is worth some research dollars.
    Researchers at Cornell University, through dynamic capacitive charging, aim to reduce the size of EV batteries by 90%. Embedding charging plates in major roadways would enable unlimited range and provide advantages to the EV infrastructure and power grid.

    It turned out that the power was transferred laterally, instead of vertically. After identifying what Afridi calls “a very nifty solution" for that problem, they finally achieved 1 kW and have since worked their way up to 3.5 kW with a power density of 50 kW/m2.

    Under this new program, their goal is to transfer 50 kW with a 150 kW/m2 power density at 95% efficiency. Those numbers are a lot more ambitious than the humble cell phone capability from less than a decade previous: they equate to 10,000 times more power, at 120 times the distance.

    Highways with embedded charging (wireless), may offer some solution, allowing the electric car to carry less battery weight & give the flexibility to leave the charging highway (& give some form of freedom) for a while till the next charging highway is reached & will get rid of the down time.....however supplying that amout of energy will be an engineering feat.

    Because God Elon knows he cant creaet the battery that is needed.

    His super dooper car, whilst built, woth curretn battery tech cannot fit within the confinue of the car.

    Do we really want bigger & bigger vehciles effectively doing less per KG of resource used.

    Imagine the damage created by a fleet of electric cars on the current roads & infrastructure.

    We Have to do More with Less.

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