a carbon tax is to create a massive new slush fund for this...

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    a carbon tax is to create a massive new slush fund for this corrupt government to pad the now depleted government account books and to continue to pay off and expand their crony network to ensure they will get continuing support in the lead up to the next election.

    It is additionally a social engineering experiment on an unprecedented scale that reduces the Australian population to lab-test-animal status to see what sort of interesting effects can be tested in a relatively isolated and generally accepting population.

    There is little threat to the rest of the world from the complete and absolute disruption of the Australian economy as long as the supply chains or agricultural and mineral product continue to flow uninterupted to China and India

    These sole critical product supply chains are relatively independent on the large bulk of the Australian population that live in the fringe belt of coast cities.

    Australia, with an interesting and growing mix diverse nationalities living in a multicultural mix (courtesy of current government "open-borders" and "no-questions-asked-fully-financed-immigration-by-boat" policies) can serve as an interesting testground for a variety of challenges facing the larger western economies.

    Most obviosuly of significant interest is how to accelerate the "passage" of and quickly pass the bulge of aging baby boomers quickly out through the community and ensure that whatever accumulated wealth they have from their lifetimes is passed onto more deserving members, the newer and younger arrivals into the community.

    Such a closed testing ground for social engineering various policies is of enormous value to the higher value developed western economies who have a much lower tolerance for policy error than the unique Australian economy.

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