Elephant in room ignored as OurABC glorify Albo NBN claim, page-12

  1. 82,557 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    The real problem I see for Australia is not the NBN etc --

    the NBN is an example of a symptom --- probably not the best example - I suggest that power generation is probably a better example -

    but, there are a multitude of examples -- and, they are all symptoms - rather than the real problem.

    The real problem for Australia is -------------- that we do not plan.

    We do not foresee - even when foresight is easily possible --

    Australia sits back and waits for things to happen - the entire nation is actually conservative - be they Labor supporters or Liberal supporters or pretty much anything else.

    If a political party - doesn't matter who it is --------- comes up with some sort of policy - that is aiming to prepare for something that is even obvious that it's coming - but, won't arrive for maybe 5/10 years or so -

    that's too far away for the Aussie character and nature ------------ it's - put it on the back burner - we'll worry about that later.

    the problem with BIG things is - that you just can't cobble together a good solution in a hurry - when the thing you know that was coming - hits like a tornado -

    it's just not possible

    so, we end up with emergency desalination plants - instead of dams that should have been built 20 years prior.

    we end up with conga lines of ships off Ports that should have been upgraded and extended 10 years earlier.

    Presently - we should be rolling out already - charging networks for EV's - because by the time they are rolled out - the EV's will be here

    but, we wait!

    We know some things that are coming - and, coming fast ---------- EV's, self drives, AI, ADumb, more pandemics, more disasters, more floods, fires, personal robots, full automation

    we know this stuff is coming -------------------- what do we do about it?

    we wait

    why do we cock up big things? ------------- I suggest that a big part of it is that we don't begin early enough and in a well planned and structured way ---------------- a LOT of the time - we run about like chooks with their head off ---------- because - the axe has fallen -------- and we didn't prepare ourselves at all.

    the root problem isn't the NBN's ---------------- it's us --too conservative all around
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