The Reality is that the exit movement gained a hell of a lot of momentUm because of immigration and the EU's threats to countries who wouldn't abide by their dictatorship.
The working class were being dumped on with districts, suburbs, towns and even parts of cities being turned into Muslim enclaves pushing out native Britons. This has put an enormous strain on their health system as well.
An Aussie mate who is married to a Brit with english kids only just moved back to Aus. He had a concrete/crane business. He said that England wasn't the place it used to be and didn't see a great future for their kids. He feared what England's immigration policies were going to do as he was confronted with the reality of it every day. As a blue collar man, his mates all felt the same way. The system is getting used and abused over there with little contribution by those abusing the system.
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