It is when you're winning :p No but seriously, I could write a...

  1. gga
    1,125 Posts.
    It is when you're winning

    No but seriously, I could write a whole long-winded spiel on how I came to it, what attraction it has etc. In fact, I might do that in one of my chattier moods.

    Suffice it to say that I say that I gamble to learn to control my betting mood, to supplement my trading/investing mindset as it were, but I think I'm increasingly lying to myself. Been taking more and more risk-taking behaviour - as I've already mentioned to robpinoz in this post

    I'm heartened to hear you're not enamoured of gambling Bozz, but I'm also quite (pleasantly) surprised: I've found that most traders* I've encountered do take a flutter or two. In fact, most of the gamblers I meet up in the Mid-Rollers lounge (I'm quite ambivalent about being invited up to the High-Rollers lounge, hahaha) are self-made businessmen and/or "investors" (or so they tell me; original virtue, I take people at their face value). From the mid-rollers right up to our very own Kerry "I'll flip you for it" Packer, this is quite common, I've found. (http://webcache.googleusercontent.c...toss-and-the-truth/ &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=au)
    *obviously not the Deep Value/Contrarian/Graham&Dodd-type investors

    In fact, I would hazard to guess if you hooked up brain scans, the same dopamine areas of a trader and a gambler would light up in the same areas upon a profit and a win.


    Thanks. Sigh... yes... I put that in after a particularly bruising round of troll-fighting against meerkat and Ryan1 (heck, mebbe even BV!) as a counterpoint to (myself of) all the deliberate and untrue negativity being bandied around.

    Just an example from today, the nerve of mbarring extolling BV's "defending" against "the trolls" in AZK*. NO, if you are the one posting up HUNDREDs of posts that that are misleading about a company that you claim you won't even buy even at a price that will prove profitable; who won't acknowledge to mistakes/lies when called out; who changes the criteria of your own questions when proven wrong, you are approaching sociopathic behaviour AND you are THE troll, not the other way round.
    *don't get me wrong, I partially agree with squeef and some others that some of their efforts (typos, switched around numerical figures, external presentation etc) aren't crash hot but then again, if anyone remembers FMG's early days, they were making the same kind of mistakes too. Babcock & Brown, on the other hand, was flash city. Sometimes, you can't judge a book by its cover.

    As an AZK current holder (me) and former holder (you), this Musk factoid scares me: "He worries that Google is building a fleet of robots that may accidentally destroy mankind."

    >>KLAXONS BLARE<< We have a punster here!

    I'm leaning to Musk-eteer myself (groan)

    Still can't beat that Viet noodle joint in California called 'Pho King' (and all its varied, um, homages eg. 'Pho King Good', 'Pho King Delicious'):eek:
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