"Oh mate, spot on!.. The continual criticism in a company you...

  1. gga
    1,125 Posts.
    "Oh mate, spot on!.. The continual criticism in a company you would never own is enough to make one very very mad.. I rarely go there now as it's been soiled beyond my interests of caring... Yes, saw the Mbarring thing too..... Sigh."
    BV has that effect - he just grinds and grinds away like some Chinese gold farmer. I hafta admit he's very good at what he does - trolling - even better than the infamous 'kat. I, too, rarely visit there anymore - nothing more we can do, either the milestones will come (huzzah), or they will not (drat).

    "I do recall that post with robpinoz and Nihilism.. I think it's too hard to resist given the momentum of the small cappers."
    Tell me about it. I'm glad my first ever stock buy was T2/Telstra at $7.40 (1999) - the loser that (hopefully)keeps me grounded...BUT on the other hand, I also only TRULY happened to get interested in the markets during the tail-end of the mining boom* (2005/2006) - eg. bought $1k worth of PLA (Platinum Australia) for $0.11, sold out at ~$2.72 (didn't even buy additional units). http://asx.netquote.com.au/charts.asp?code=PLA&x=33&y=3 That's how easy (& crazy) it was back then. Bought me dear old mum a holiday. Mind you, I was kicked out by a hard stoploss entered in the market: I am seriously thinking I should go back to hard stops again since I can't trust myself anymore.
    * my only consolation, I bypassed the Tech Boom entirely [wasn't even on my radar; ironically enough, my interest back then was on 'Driver' and 'Metal Gear Solid' etc on PSOne] so I don't expect easy 10-baggers like some of the old guys on here.

    "No I don't find gambling enjoyable at all, I'd rather play video games.. I wouldnt even know how to shove money on a horse."
    Heh heh heh, so that makes three of us here. Just to be clear, I don't bet on horses/greyhounds - if I did, I would make a concerted effort to research trainers, jockeys, sire and dam lineage, track conditions etc. I wouldn't just bet on a name I like (confessional time: I did bet on a draw in the Pacquiao/Mayweather fight recently).

    Nay, I only 'play' on games on which I have a semblance of control - blackjack and Pontoon (poker explanation will come later). On blackjack and Pontoon, you at least have a fighting chance with your decisions, even tho' in the long run, all the odds are against you. I also do it (I keep telling myself) to 'train' my 'Kenny Rogers'* instinct, tho' I could probably do that trying to manage all the depleting resources in FTL.
    * "You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em...know when to walk away, know when to run..."

    "I'm only here out of desperation after losing a lot over the years and low interest rates making things worse... Sounds silly maybe.."
    Tres interesting... not silly at all. Will be fascinating to hear should you choose disclose more. I've gone boom and bust several times but (touch wood) never to a Livermore level, hence all the more reason for me to continue these casino 'lessons' -better to know the pain of a blow up on the tables (& hope to learn from it) than to blow up with 'real' money ala Livermore, Julian Robertson, Nathan Tinkler.
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