- Yup, 'Quick reply' it was. - Yup, and yup. Time for the thread...

  1. gga
    1,125 Posts.
    - Yup, 'Quick reply' it was.

    - Yup, and yup. Time for the thread to die a natural death, and time to make some moolah!

    - [humblebrag] thanks, a US boxing writer once remarked that I had "Sedaris-like flair". I was petulantly displeased... I was going for a Joyce Carol Oates or a Norman Mailer.
    Oh..whut? Uh yeah.. Rene - I used to hang out around the Pitt St Arcade area after uni lectures (back when I was pre-hypochondriac), and would regularly see some bigwigs (and middlewigs) eg Triguboff, Anton Tagliaferro, hanging around there as well. Being of a much more 'normal' disposition back then (ie. am following Howard Hughes' trajectory), I approached Mr. Rivkin while he was waiting for his driver and struck up a conversation with him*. Dude was very personable and chatty - between this and the other times I saw him, his topics veered from his objets d'art to dumplings(!) to the kind of toilet paper in his house (!!), and of course, to the sharemarket. He also liked to talk about his childhood. Only ever chatted with him thrice more - the last time around Parliament House, the poor guy looked like *bleep*
    Ahem, disclaimer: I'd like to think it was my sparkling conversation that made him tolerate a schlub coming up to him out of the blue, and not my outward appearance. Wherever you are, Rene, I hope you're finally at peace!
    * reasons: he seemed like a people person (got that right); I had enjoyed watching his newsletter infomercials; I liked the sharemarket 'lifestyle' (I'm guessing, like the rest of HC)

    "I'm getting the sense that tips are the scourge of the successful operator.."
    I say amen to that but then I contradict that immediately with my subsequent sentences marked Θ and Ω.

    "Manipulative accumulating going on, multiple buys over $50k each day at the low points before being bot driven back up"
    Θ ) Aaahh...thanks... with my average trade size hovering around the 4oK mark, I'm finding it harder and harder to find opportunities (for the kind of greed-driven multibagger trade I'm looking for) - that's why I'm a bit envious of Fib; how he manages to trade multiple (relatively) illiquid companies (if my recollection and guesstimation about his float/trading capital is correct). Like BoZz, I am lazy and I only want to handle 4 or 5 ventures (7 at most) at a time; call it laziness, call it heuristics, it is what it is.

    Good article! Bless your little on-topic heart (BV should take lessons from you).

    Speaking of derailing, I realised that I had left a reply box empty in my previous post: had just wanted to say that not all top-rated books agree with everyone. eg. I bought this one in 2006 and still haven't finished it (dunno why, Elder just rubs me up the wrong way). http://www.amazon.com/Entries-Exits...UD0_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1432473992&sr=1-5. I bring it up here because on paper, it seems to tick all the right boxes: a study of disparate styles (ie. different traders are interviewed ala Jack Schwager), tonnes of charts and technical indicators etc.

    My head nods here. Just as an example, I've a position in KKL (similarity wise, clutching at straws, I know) - been treading water for quite a while.

    Wait, whut... was that a Newt reference...?

    Yawn...speaking of night, time for me to retire (aahh...watching the under-rated and canceled 'Almost Human' on Channel Nine now) but before I go:

    Ω ) hey you fellas, if you're interested in shells, check out this monster post on them compiled by Jako64, pilsner and Gobbledok

    As for me, I'm done. Done with reading, done with (extensive) research. I'm sticking strictly to meat and potatoes (price & volume) from now on, and when my trade size gets too big, time to finally branch out into the bigger pools of the world. (eeek, can still hear Frank Watkins' words ringing in my ears, "If you can't make a penny here, what makes you think you can make a penny in America?"
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