The problem with the left is that they are fascists. Scratch the...

  1. 12,102 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3158
    The problem with the left is that they are fascists. Scratch the surface and you get a rabid dog trying to shut people down. They believe they are smarter, better, and have everything worked out. It’s their way or the highway. That is ridiculous with very little living proof. They have infected every govt department and even companies, our institutions have gone backwards with them at the wheel. The legal system is also losing the plot. The media is majority left and look at its descending trust level. The left invaded and crushed Twitter and Musk saw it first hand. The woke t-shirts and shutting down of alternate view points is scary stuff. 99% of the workforce donated to the democrats. Hardly fertile ground for intelligent independent thought. These people wrap themselves in the progressive flag while destroying free speech they don’t agree with. Why would anyone support that? Imagine the shoe on the other foot. That is what socialist and communist do. The hard left are anti-semeitic as well. They pander to the Muslim vote and play down their bad side for votes. Wong, Albo and the unions are pro Pal. That is supporting a terror group folks. How did we even get close to that crap. Wong wants to give a terro group it’s own state. Like that will fix anything.
    You will notice they use climate change to promote bigger govt, more regulation, rules and taxes. Cancle culture is anti-free speech. Woke is anti free speech. These are all left wing groups. People need to wake up smell the dead roses. You have been taken for a ride. The hard left are ideologically unhinged. Gender training and hormones for children should be stopped. The voice looked good on paper, but it was run by radicals who want power and money. Albo is a leftard who has never had a proper job. He was an activist at uni. Our education system has filled up with losers who want change for change's sake. There are things that can be improved, but no one with a brain wants to see Australis in the vision of a hard leftward. It would be hell with no freedom and compelled speech and thoughts. Chairman Moe, Putin stuff. Labor are pretending to be one thing while doing another.
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