FAR 7.02% 53.0¢ far limited

This is a very important statement. "Secondly, the Gvt has...

  1. 19,072 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2666
    This is a very important statement.

    "Secondly, the Gvt has expressed extreme disappointment with Woodside for making statements in the press and have continued to request that we don’t talk to the media. At this stage, there is not actually anything more for us to say. We are currently in dispute with COP as they have not sent us all of the information required to buy COP Senegal BV on the same terms and conditions offered to Woodside. Its baffling to us why they would care where their US$430M comes from and why they would not give us this information. It’s more baffling why they would not just give us the information, set the pre-empt clock ticking and at least have surety over the completion date."

    It has revealed more to the market (well HC any way), then all previous press releases surrounding this matter.

    IMHO, there will be a relief rally based on the above.

    As always DYOR.
    Last edited by Cosmoterios: 09/09/16
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