CGB 0.00% 2.1¢ cann global limited

Hey Drifta, our pasts a side, these SHers were told/welcomed by...

  1. 7,740 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 296
    Hey Drifta, our pasts a side, these SHers were told/welcomed by the CGBrep (which is uncommon for stock threads to need a representative) to contact the company with any questions. They were given email addresses and phone numbers several times.
    You held over their long suspension didn't you?
    Didn't you mention 1¢? Anyway that doesn't matter.
    Thing is SHers were welcomed to contact the company, if they feel neglected after weeks of no reciprocation, we'll Tom is entitled. The SHers that TU'ed your post are obviously not taking in what the Coy said for SHers to do if they had questions.

    Anyway let's find some new runners for next week hey.

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