embarrassing bodies ... omg, page-17

  1. 6,322 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 274
    I have no idea what "REAL TV" means but unless it refers to the news (not that all of it is reality but that’s another topic) or a documentary I'd say it's just a term reality TV shows use in an attempt not to be associated with reality TV.

    In fact this, programs like Big Brother and plenty of others (the list is substantial) are what I refer to as "unreality TV".

    Do people need to go on a TV show with their identities revealed to millions others in order to confront embarrassing medical issues affecting their life and which they refuse show their doctor in privacy? It just beggars disbelief. They are no doubt not the only sufferers of the conditions presented on this program and if hundreds of thousands of others over the world, if not millions, can address these issues in private with doctors and medical specialists why can't these people?

    Because that would be boring...

    And so TV producers cobble this stuff together as a modern freak show if you like.... Back in the old carnivale days it was The Bearded Lady, Turtle Boy and The Man-Eating Fish that got our attention. To me, this is just a crass, modern interpretation of that by-gone era without the rustic charm.

    To my mind the documentary series The Human Body by Dr Robert Winston is more akin to reality..
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