empire of the confused-minded A nice article in its summary of...

  1. 2,063 Posts.
    empire of the confused-minded A nice article in its summary of credit situation and oil but hes badly misinformed on environmental and social issues.
    'The solution is to look at the issues openly and consider all the options. The US and AUS refuse to endorse the Kyoto protocol, and the world continues to move toward an environmental crisis. Aids is untreated in many parts of Africa. Modern treatment for all sufferers could be instituted with only a little G7 fundraiser. Billions are spent on defending us from WMDs, while nothing is spent on changing the conditions that lead to those who want to use them.' -End of Quote.

    In fact there is no cure for aids and his solution for treatment is far short of satisfactory. The most successful nation in the World at battling the spread of Aids has been Uganda who has instituted a campaign of abstinence. Why isn’t that good enough? Ugandan’s tell their kids: ‘have sex only within the confines of a trusted relationship’ ie marriage or ‘don’t have sex with people who you don’t know and definitely don’t have sex with homosexuals. We tell our kids: ‘have as much sex as you want with anyone except wear a condom then you only have a 2% chance of catching aids or something like it’.

    The evidence for global warming is highly contested in the science community, so why should industry pay to reduce outputs? Read Dr John Christy sometime.

    The assumption that we are the cause of terrorism is one that Bin Laden loves too. Especially then he can kill as many US and Australian citizens guilt free. Deceptive reasoning wrapped up in a glossy ‘caring’ wrapping yet somehow they miss the truth.
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