Tony Abbot paid 140k for his Sydney home in about 1998Gillard...

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    Tony Abbot paid 140k for his Sydney home in about 1998
    Gillard paid 138K for her Altona place about the same time
    wonder what they are both worth now....600ks for Sydney, 400ks for Altona ????
    Aus is about THE most popular place in the world for immigrants, refugees etc...
    plenty of work for them in the resources industry

    no wonder they are all happy to get here and get a house to live in....and pay the market price

    after 10 years of waiting ...I would give up...go and rent and get a life

    I will have to revise my estimate to the Dec 10 period....
    since we have had gains of 24% so far in Melb this year...and the year to date gains are taken into consideration
    my new estimate is now 25%
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