Enjoy your salt:

  1. 47,086 Posts.
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    0 September 3, 2014
    Enjoy Your Vices Round 37 — The Salt Controversy

    Dear Readers,

    Three new studies came out this week shedding more light on the salt controversy. As we've noted for many years, the current fad of salt restriction is ill advised. Though it may create one side benefit — one study[1] showed that people who restricted their salt intake to the American Heart Association recommended guideline of 1.5 gm of sodium a day died at twice the rate of those who didn't — not so good for them, but a nifty cost "benefit" to our over-burdened Social Security system!
    Unless there is good reason to do so, salt restriction is a bad idea. This is especially so in people with fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue and/or autonomic dysfunction (POTS, NMH), where salt restriction will cause you to crash and burn. So my recommendation? Get a good quality sea salt, such as Celtic Sea Salt or even the pink sea salt grinders at Costco, and let your taste buds be your guide.
    Read more »
    (Also see "Topol on Salt: Time to Shake the Sodium Guidelines?")
    Love & blessings,
    Dr. T

    Here's the graph. Note "Sodium Excretion" is a measure of intake.

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